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경영과 기술의 듀얼래더시스템이 원활히 작동하지 않는다면...

by 아이러브비즈니스 2024. 11. 12.

고대 인류의 예상치 못한 기술력이던...

외계인의 기술력이던...

현재 한국에는 이런 기술에 대한 집중과 투자 그리고 노력이 필요하지 않을까요???

삼성전자의 몰락이 여기저기에서 나오는데...

그게 주판 튕기고 엑셀 정렬하는 재무임원, 회계임원들이 의사결정권을 갖게 되면서...

창의는 커녕 단기이익에만 몰입해서 다가온 현실이 아닐까요??

경영학은 중요한 학문이고, 저 또한 전공한 분야입니다만...

경영과 기술의 듀얼래더시스템이 원활히 작동하지 않는다면...

대한민국의 제조기업의 역사와 규모가 커질수록  이런 문제는 뉴노멀을 넘어...루틴이 될 것이 뻔합니다.


1. 피라미드는 무덤이 아닙니다. 피라미드 내부에서 미라가 발견된 적은 없습니다. 모든 미라는 왕의 계곡에서 발견되었습니다.
2. 어떻게 20톤의 화강암 블록을 극도로 정밀하게 자르고 "왕의 방"에서 나무 경사로로 하나씩 들어올릴 수 있을까요!!
3. 나무 경사로를 사용했다고 가정해 보겠습니다. 230만 개의 거대한 돌 블록을 옮기기 위해 나무를 공급하려면 숲 전체를 베어야 합니다. 그 나무에 대한 증거는 어디에 있습니까?
4. 고대 이집트인이 피라미드를 지었다고 말하는 상형 문자는 단 하나도 없습니다.
5. 230만 개의 돌을 채석하고, 자르고, 들어올리려면 얼마나 많은 "노예"나 노동자가 필요합니까? 레이저로 절단하고 거대한 톤의 화강암을 들어올릴 수 있는 사람을 어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까?
6. 4000년 전 건설자들이 "바퀴에 대해 몰랐을 때" 피라미드 전체를 북쪽을 향하게 배치하려면 어떻게 해야 합니까? (이것은 주류 이집트학자들의 편견입니다.)
7. 피라미드 꼭대기는 중앙(피라미드 바닥)에서 1/4인치 떨어져 있습니다. 230만 개의 돌 블록을 놓은 후입니다. 그 작은 오차 한계를 230만 개의 돌로 나누면 돌을 놓은 정확도는 비교할 수 없으며 모든 현대 기술을 갖춘 현대 건축가가 한 번도 해본 적이 없습니다.
8. 전 세계의 모든 거석 구조물은 어떨까요? 왜 거의 같은 기술로 같은 기하학을 만들었을까요? 물속에서 발견된 일본의 피라미드는 어떨까요!?
결론: 인간 역사의 90%는 시간에 묻혔고 나머지 10%는 승자가 기록했습니다.
아니요, 외계인이 아닙니다. 단지 고대 인류의 진보된 기술일 뿐입니다.

1. Pyramids are not tombs; no mummy has ever been found inside the pyramid. All mummies were found in the kings valley.
2. How the hell do you cut 20 ton blocks of granite with extreme precision and lift them one on top of the other, in the "king's chamber", with WOODEN RAMPS !!
3. Let's say wooden ramps were used; you need to cut down a whole forest in order to provide wood to move 2.3 MILLION blocks of huge stones. Where the hell is the evidence for that wood?
4. There is not a single hieroglyphic text that says ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.
5. How many "slaves" or workers do you need to quarry, cut and lift 2.3 MILLION stones? Where the hell do you find people who can laser cut and lift huge tons of granite?
6. How do you position the whole pyramid to face true north, 4000 years ago when the builders "didn't know about the WHEEL" ? (That's the bias of mainstream egyptologists).
7. The top of the pyramid is a quarter of an inch off center (base of the pyramid); that's after placing 2.3 million blocks of stone. When you divide that tiny margin of error by 2.3 million stones, the accuracy at which the stones were placed is unparalleled and has never been done by modern architects with all modern technology.
8. What about all the megalith structures around the world? Why were they building the same geometry with almost the same techniques? What about the pyramids of Japan, found underwater !?
Conclusion: 90% of Human history was buried by time, the other 10% is written by the victors.
NO it's not aliens. Just Advanced Ancient Human Tech.
