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항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 6501-7000

by 아이러브비즈니스 2022. 3. 29.


쿠팡 파트너스 추천인 코드   :    AF9956533          *본 광고는 쿠팡의 판매수수료와 연계되어 있습니다.

항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 6501-7000
no        한글명   용어      약어      해설

6501     ???        Aircraft Data Link Processor         ADLP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6502     ???        Aircraft Electronics Association     AEA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6503     ???        Aircraft Network Control Terminal ANCT            (출처: FAA GPS)

6504     ???        Aircraft Operational Control/Aeronautical Operational Control        AOC      (출처: FAA GPS)

6505     ???        Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association            AOPA    (출처: FAA GPS)

6506     ???        airline ticketing request   ATR       항공권을 agent 자체의 발권을 불가하며 해당 항공사에 직접 발권을 의뢰함

6507     ???        Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee            AEEC     (출처: FAA GPS)

6508     ???        Airport Capacity Enhancement Plan            ACEP     (출처: FAA GPS)

6509     ???        Airport Development Aid Program ADAP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6510     ???        Airport Improvement Program      AIP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6511     ???        airport information desk              조종사 자체 임무보고, 비행계획 작성, 비행계획서 정리의 목적을 가진 공항무인시설.

6512     ???        Airport Layout Plan         ALP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6513     ???        Airport Movement Area Safety System            AMASS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6514     ???        Airport Obstruction Chart AOC      (출처: FAA GPS)

6515     ???        Airport Pseudolites          APL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6516     ???        Airport Surface Detection Equipment            ASDE     (출처: FAA GPS)

6517     ???        Airport Surface Target Identification System  ATIDS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6518     ???        Airport Surface Traffic Automation            ASTA     (출처: FAA GPS)

6519     ???        Airport Surveillance Radar           ASR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6520     ???        Airway Facilities  AF        (출처: FAA GPS)

6521     ???        Alaskan National Airspace System Interfacility Communication Systems          ANICS   (출처: FAA GPS)

6522     ???        Alaskan Regional Headquarters     AAL            (출처: FAA GPS)

6523     ???        Albuquerque Area ARTCC (Albuquerque, NM)      ZAB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6524     ???        Algorithm Description Document  ADD            (출처: FAA GPS)

6525     ???        All Weather Operations Panel       AWOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6526     ???        Allocated Baseline           ABL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6527     ???        Alternate Network Control Point   ANCP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6528     ???        Alternative Dispute Resolution      ADR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6529     ???        American Helicopter Society         AHS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6530     ???        American National Standards Institute            ANSI     (출처: FAA GPS)

6531     ???        American Standard Code for Information Interchange        ASCII     (출처: FAA GPS)

6532     ???        Amplitude Modulation-to-Phase Modulation        AM/PM (출처: FAA GPS)

6533     ???        An annunciation that is generated when crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action may be required; the associated color is unique but not red or amber/yellow. (Source: Advisory Circular AC25-11).            Advisory            (출처: FAA GPS)

6534     ???        An annunciation that is generated when immediate crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required; the associated color is amber/yellow. (Source: Advisory Circular AC25-11)          Caution (출처: FAA GPS)

6535     ???        AN-2 Colt                      AN-2기는 1947년 첫 비행을 실시한 후 현재는 더 이상 생산되지 않는다. 총 생산 대수는 약 17,000여 대로 주로 동구권 국가에서 운용되고 있다. 농업용, 인원공수, 사진 촬영 등 다양하게 운용되고 있으며 북한에도 이 기종을 보유하여 특수 부대의 저공 침투용으로 활용되고 있다. 엔진: 1×Shvetsov radial engine / 전폭: 18.18m / 전장: 12.74m / 순항속도: 184km/h / 제작국: 폴란드/우크라이나

6536     ???        Analog/Digital converter  A/D       (출처: FAA GPS)

6537     ???        Anchorage Area ARTTC (Anchorage, AK)            ZAN      (출처: FAA GPS)

6538     ???        Annual Procurement Plan APP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6539     ???        Antenna Control Unit      ACU      (출처: FAA GPS)

6540     ???        Antenna Electronics         AE        (출처: FAA GPS)

6541     ???        Anti-Jamming     AJ         (출처: FAA GPS)

6542     ???        Anti-spoofing     A-S       (출처: FAA GPS)

6543     ???        Application of the navigation process providing the capability to establish and maintain a flight path on any arbitrary chosen course that remains within the coverage area of navigation sources being used.  RNAV utilizing capabilities in the horizontal pl     Area Navigation (RNAV)  (출처: FAA GPS)

6544     ???        Application Program Interface      API            (출처: FAA GPS)

6545     ???        Application Specific Integrated Circuit            ASIC      (출처: FAA GPS)

6546     ???        Approach Lighting System Improvement Program ALSIP    (출처: FAA GPS)

6547     ???        Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights   ALSF     (출처: FAA GPS)

6548     ???        Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance           APV      (출처: FAA GPS)

6549     ???        ARA Management Team   ARAMT  (출처: FAA GPS)

6550     ???        Area Control Computer Complex  ACCC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6551     ???        Area Control Facility        ACF       (출처: FAA GPS)

6552     ???        Area Navigation Approach           ANA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6553     ???        Area Selector      ARS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6554     ???        ARINC Data Network Service        ADNS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6555     ???        Associate Administrator for Air Traffic            AAT       (출처: FAA GPS)

6556     ???        Associate Administrator for Airway Facilities AAF      (출처: FAA GPS)

6557     ???        Associate Administrator for NAS Development      AND     (출처: FAA GPS)

6558     ???        Associate Administrator for Regulation & Certification       AVR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6559     ???        Associate Administrator for Systems Engineering and Development      ASD      (출처: FAA GPS)

6560     ???        Associate Administrator for the Performing Organization      AAPO    (출처: FAA GPS)

6561     ???        Associate Administrator of the Sponsoring Organization      AASO    (출처: FAA GPS)

6562     ???        Associate Program Manager         APM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6563     ???        Associate Program Manager for Engineering        APME    (출처: FAA GPS)

6564     ???        Associate Program Manager for Logistics            APML    (출처: FAA GPS)

6565     ???        Associate Program Manager for NAS Implementation  APMNI  (출처: FAA GPS)

6566     ???        Associate Program Manager for Systems Engineering        APMSE  (출처: FAA GPS)

6567     ???        Associate Program Manager for Test            APMT    (출처: FAA GPS)

6568     ???        Atlanta Area ARTCC (Hampton, GA)            ZTL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6569     ???        Atlantic City, NJ FAA Technical Center            ACY      (출처: FAA GPS)

6570     ???        Atlantic Ocean Region     AOR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6571     ???        Atlantic Ocean Region East          AOR-E            (출처: FAA GPS)

6572     ???        Atlantic Ocean Region West         AOR-W            (출처: FAA GPS)

6573     ???        Attachment Unit Interface            AUI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6574     ???        Attitude and Velocity Control Subsystems            AVCS     (출처: FAA GPS)

6575     ???        Attitude Direction Indicator          ADI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6576     ???        Attitude Heading Reference System            AHRS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6577     ???        audio response system    ARS      국제선, 국내선 당일의 정상운항 여부 및 좌석현황을 전화로 알려주는 음성응답서비스.

6578     ???        Auroral-E Ionization        AEI        (출처: FAA GPS)

6579     ???        Authority and Format Identifier     AFI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6580     ???        Automated En Route Air Traffic Control            AERA    (출처: FAA GPS)

6581     ???        Automated Flight Service Station  AFSS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6582     ???        Automated L-band State of Health ALSOH            (출처: FAA GPS)

6583     ???        Automated Risk Management System            ARMS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6584     ???        Automated Surface Observing      ASOS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6585     ???        Automatic Blink System   ABS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6586     ???        Automatic Dependant Surveillance-Broadcast          ADS-B   (출처: FAA GPS)

6587     ???        Automatic Direction Finder           ADF            (출처: FAA GPS)

6588     ???        Automatic Flight Control Systems  AFCS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6589     ???        Automatic Frequency Compensation            AFC       (출처: FAA GPS)

6590     ???        Automatic Link Establish  ALE       (출처: FAA GPS)

6591     ???        Automatic Position Reporting/Agency Procurement Request      APR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6592     ???        Automatic Radar Terminal System ARTS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6593     ???        Automatic Repeat Request           ARQ            (출처: FAA GPS)

6594     ???        Automatic Route Control System   ARCS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6595     ???        Automatic Test Equipment            ATE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6596     ???        Automatic Vehicle Location and Navigation         AVLN    (출처: FAA GPS)

6597     ???        Automatic Voice Network AUTOVON            (출처: FAA GPS)

6598     ???        Autonomous Ranging Mode        ARM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6599     ???        Availability Coverage Modeling     ACM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6600     ???        Aviation Binary Phase Shift Keying ABPSK            (출처: FAA GPS)

6601     ???        Aviation Communications Addressing and Reporting System            ACARS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6602     ???        aviation fuel quality requirements for jointly operated system    AFQRJOS           전세계 12 Major가 항공유 공동 운용 체계에 관한 품질관리 요건에 관하여 합의, 작성한 지침서.   (출처: 한국공항)

6603     ???        Aviation Information Publications  AIP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6604     ???        Aviation Quadrature Phase Shift Keying            AQPSK  (출처: FAA GPS)

6605     ???        Aviation Regulatory Advisory Committe            ARAC    (출처: FAA GPS)

6606     ???        Aviation Safety Analysis System    ASAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6607     ???        Aviation Sequencing Program       ASP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6608     ???        Aviation System Block Upgrade     ASBU            ICAO에서 채택하였으며, 서비스 레벨과 용량이 다른 기존의 항공교통관제시스템을 업그레이드 및 항공 데이터의 종합적인 관리를 함으로써 항공항행서비스를 극대화하여 제공하기 위한 프로그램

6609     ???        Aviation System Performance Metric            ASPM    (출처: FAA GPS)

6610     ???        Aviation System Standard AVN      (출처: FAA GPS)

6611     ???        Aviation VHF Packet Communications            AVPAC   (출처: FAA GPS)

6612     ???        Bachelor of Arts  BA        (출처: FAA GPS)

6613     ???        Bachelor of Science         BS        (출처: FAA GPS)

6614     ???        Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering            BSEE     (출처: FAA GPS)

6615     ???        Backbone Concentrator Node       BCN            (출처: FAA GPS)

6616     ???        Backup Emergency Communication            BUEC     (출처: FAA GPS)

6617     ???        baggage claim tag                      위탁수하물의 구별을 위해 항공사가 발행하는 수하물 증표.

6618     ???        Band Pass Filter  BPF       (출처: FAA GPS)

6619     ???        Bangor, ME Automated Flight Service Station  BGR-AFSS          (출처: FAA GPS)

6620     ???        Barycentric Dynamic Time (Temps Dynamique Barycentrique)           TDB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6621     ???        Baseline Management Notice       BMN            (출처: FAA GPS)

6622     ???        Baseline Transfer Plan      BTP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6623     ???        Basic Backup Network     BBN      (출처: FAA GPS)

6624     ???        Beginning of Slot            BOS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6625     ???        Bill Of Material   BOM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6626     ???        billing settlement plan     BSP       항공사와 여행사간의 항공권으 판매대금을 은행에서 대행하는 제도.

6627     ???        Billing System     BILL      (출처: FAA GPS)

6628     ???        Billings, MT TRACON       BIL        (출처: FAA GPS)

6629     ???        Binary Coded Decimal     BCD      (출처: FAA GPS)

6630     ???        Binary Editor      BE         (출처: FAA GPS)

6631     ???        Binary Numbers  BNR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6632     ???        Binary Phase Shift Keying BPSK     (출처: FAA GPS)

6633     ???        Binary Universal Form for Data Representation   BUFR     (출처: FAA GPS)

6634     ???        Bit-Oriented Protocol       BOP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6635     ???        Bits Per Second  Bps       (출처: FAA GPS)

6636     ???        Block Oriented Network Simulator BONeS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6637     ???        Block Update      BU        (출처: FAA GPS)

6638     ???        Boston Area ARTCC (Nashua, NH) ZBW            (출처: FAA GPS)

6639     ???        breakaway                     계류한 후 정지위치로부터 항공기가 자주력으로 처음 이동하는 것.

6640     ???        British Telecom   BT         (출처: FAA GPS)

6641     ???        Broadcast Message Validation       BMV            (출처: FAA GPS)

6642     ???        Budgeted Cost of Work Performed            BCWP    (출처: FAA GPS)

6643     ???        Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled            BCWS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6644     ???        build up B/UP     ULD에 화물을 적재하는 작업.

6645     ???        Built-in Test        BIT        (출처: FAA GPS)

6646     ???        Built-in Test Equipment/Backward Inter-working Telephone Event BITE      (출처: FAA GPS)

6647     ???        Buoy Communications System      BCS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6648     ???        Burst Interval      BI         (출처: FAA GPS)

6649     ???        Burst Length      BL         (출처: FAA GPS)

6650     ???        Burst Time Plan  BTP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6651     ???        C.I.Q                 Customs(세관), Immigration(출입국), Quarantine(검역)을 의미하며 정부기관에 의한 출입국심사.

6652     ???        Calendar Year     CY        (출처: FAA GPS)

6653     ???        California           CA        (출처: FAA GPS)

6654     ???        California Institute of Technology  CIT            (출처: FAA GPS)

6655     ???        Canadian Automated Air Traffic System            CAATS   (출처: FAA GPS)

6656     ???        Capability Maturity Model            CMM, CNMP   (출처: FAA GPS)

6657     ???        Capital Improvement Plan CIP        (출처: FAA GPS)

6658     ???        Capital Investment Plan   CIP        (출처: FAA GPS)

6659     ???        Cargo Airlines Association            CAA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6660     ???        Carrier “Link” Frequency 1227.6 Mhz            L2         (출처: FAA GPS)

6661     ???        Carrier “Link” Frequency 1385.05 Mhz            L3         (출처: FAA GPS)

6662     ???        Carrier “Link” Frequency 1575.42 MHz            CPM      (출처: FAA GPS)

6663     ???        Carrier “Link” Frequency 1575.42Mhz            L1         (출처: FAA GPS)

6664     ???        Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection          CSMA/CD          (출처: FAA GPS)

6665     ???        Carrier-to-Noise-Density Ratio      C/NO            (출처: FAA GPS)

6666     ???        Cathode Ray Tubes          CRT       (출처: FAA GPS)

6667     ???        C-band to L-band           C-TO-l   (출처: FAA GPS)

6668     ???        CCITT Specification and Description Language           SDL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6669     ???        Celsius  C          (출처: FAA GPS)

6670     ???        Center of Mass   CM       (출처: FAA GPS)

6671     ???        center radar arts presentation/processing plus                  터미널 2차레이더 장비 고장 시, 공항감시레이더의 예비시스템을 제공하기 위하여 개발된 컴퓨터 프로그램. 동 프로그램은 ARTS ⅡA ⅢA 전시기상 자료의 진행/현시장치를 연속적으로 전시되는 지역관제소와 터미널공항 감시레이더 1차항적의 결합에 사용된다.

6672     ???        Centimeters        cm        (출처: FAA GPS)

6673     ???        Centimeters/Second        cm/sec  (출처: FAA GPS)

6674     ???        Central Engineering Activity          CEA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6675     ???        central information system           CIS            여행에 필요한 각종 정보 및 참고사항을 수록한 여행정보시스템.

6676     ???        Central Processing Facility            CPF            (출처: FAA GPS)

6677     ???        Central Regional Headquarters     ACE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6678     ???        Change Control Board     CCB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6679     ???        Character-Oriented Protocol         COP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6680     ???        charted VFR flyways                    지정된 시계비행규칙 비행로는 대형 터빈항공기가 어떤 지역을 통과하기 위하여 사용되는 권고된 비행로이다. 조종사는 권고된 비행로와 해당 고도을 엄격히 따라야 한다. 시계비행규칙 비행로 계획지도는 시계비행규칙 터미널지역지도의 뒷면에 발간된다.

6681     ???        Chicago Area ARTTC (Aurora, IL)   ZAU            (출처: FAA GPS)

6682     ???        Chief of the Contracting Office     COCO            (출처: FAA GPS)

6683     ???        Circular Error Probable    CEP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6684     ???        Civil Aviation Authority    CAA      (출처: FAA GPS)

6685     ???        Civil GPS Information Center        CGIC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6686     ???        Civil Signal         CS        (출처: FAA GPS)

6687     ???        clearance void if not off by(time)              지정된 시간까지 이륙하지 못한 경우, 출발허가의 자동취소를 항공기에게 조언하기 위한 관제용어이다. 조종사는 지정된 시간까지 이륙하지 아니한 경우, 새로운 허가를 발부 받거나 IFR 비행계획을 제출하여야 한다.

6688     ???        cleared (type of) approach                       항공기에게 공항으로 특정 계기접근절차를 실행하도록 하는 항공교통관제허가 (, cleared ILS runway 36 approach)

6689     ???        Clock    CLK       (출처: FAA GPS)

6690     ???        Clock and Time Coordinator         CTCOR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6691     ???        Clock Bias          CB        (출처: FAA GPS)

6692     ???        Clock Bias Mean CBM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6693     ???        Clock Correction CC        (출처: FAA GPS)

6694     ???        Close Of Business           COB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6695     ???        Coarse Acquisition Code  C/A-CODE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6696     ???        Coarse/Acquisition          C/A       (출처: FAA GPS)

6697     ???        Coastal Confluence Zone CCZ      (출처: FAA GPS)

6698     ???        Code-Division Multiple Access      CDMA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6699     ???        Coder-Decoder   CODEC  (출처: FAA GPS)

6700     ???        Cold Bay FSS      CDB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6701     ???        Collaborative Decision-Making      CDM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6702     ???        Collision Risk Model        CRM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6703     ???        combined center-rapcon              ACC의 기능과 레이더 접근관제시설을 결합한 항공교통관제기관.

6704     ???        Combined Enroute Radar Approach Control Facility   CERAP   (출처: FAA GPS)

6705     ???        Combined VOR and TACAN         VORTAC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6706     ???        Command and Control Systems    CCS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6707     ???        Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence        C3I        (출처: FAA GPS)

6708     ???        Commerce Business Daily CBD      (출처: FAA GPS)

6709     ???        Commercial and Government Entity            CAGE    (출처: FAA GPS)

6710     ???        Commercial Item Drawing            CID            (출처: FAA GPS)

6711     ???        Commercial Off-the-Shelf COTS     (출처: FAA GPS)

6712     ???        Commercially Available Software   CAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6713     ???        Common ICAO Data Interchange Network                        CIDIN은 비트 지향(bit-oriented) 절차 및 패킷 스위칭 기술을 이용한 항공고정통신 업무의 일부분으로 고속의 AFTN에서 중ㆍ저속의 네트워크를 대신하기 위하여 X.25프로토콜에 기반을 두고 개발되었으며, 특정 국가의 항공 기관과 내부의 관련 장치로 구성되어 있다. AFTN 전문 형식과 다른 형식의 데이터도 교환할 수 있으며, 절차 및 규정은 AFTN과 마찬가지로 ICAO에서 규정한 기술기준 및 운용절차(Annex 10 및 관린 규정)에 따른다.

6714     ???        Common Network Security Interface            CNSI     (출처: FAA GPS)

6715     ???        Common Reference Receiver        CRR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6716     ???        common route               내부 항행시설과 해안 픽스 간 북미노선의 부분.

6717     ???        Common Software Process           CSWP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6718     ???        Common Support Equipment       CSE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6719     ???        Common Systems Engineering Process            CSEP     (출처: FAA GPS)

6720     ???        Common User Element    CUE      (출처: FAA GPS)

6721     ???        commpany flight plan                 항공기 운항시 항공교통관제기관에 ATC 비행계획을 제출하여 승인을 받는데, 항공사에서는 그 편에 대하여 출발공항에서부터 목적지까지의 항공로, 경로상지점, 경고상지점의 위도경도, 통과예정시각, 비행고도, 예상풍향, 풍속, 소비연료 등을 상세하게 계산한 비행계획을 만들어 항공기에 탑재한다. 비행사는 이 계획과 실제 운항사항을 비교하며 비행한다. 이 계획을 company flight plan이라 한다.

6722     ???        Communication Control Block      CCB            (출처: FAA GPS)

6723     ???        Communication Research Laboratory            CRL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6724     ???        Communications Comm   (출처: FAA GPS)

6725     ???        Communications Control Circuit   CCC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6726     ???        Communications Facilities Enhancement            CFE       (출처: FAA GPS)

6727     ???        Communications Management Unit/Computer Management Unit CMU     (출처: FAA GPS)

6728     ???        Communications Satellite Corporation            COMSAT            (출처: FAA GPS)

6729     ???        Communications, Navigation, and Intelligence        CNI       (출처: FAA GPS)

6730     ???        Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance       CNS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6731     ???        Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management          CNS/ATM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6732     ???        Compact Disk     CD        (출처: FAA GPS)

6733     ???        Compass Locator at ILS Outer Marker            LOM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6734     ???        Compute UDRE   UDR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6735     ???        Compute UDRE Range Difference  UDC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6736     ???        Computer Aided Software Engineering            CASE     (출처: FAA GPS)

6737     ???        Computer Control Unit    CCU      (출처: FAA GPS)

6738     ???        Computer Human Interface          CHI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6739     ???        Computer Human Interface Working Group   CHIWG  (출처: FAA GPS)

6740     ???        Computer Program Component    CPC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6741     ???        Computer Program Configuration Item            CPCI      (출처: FAA GPS)

6742     ???        Computer Program Functional Specification      CPFS     (출처: FAA GPS)

6743     ???        Computer Resources Integrated Support Document          CRISD    (출처: FAA GPS)

6744     ???        Computer Software Component    CSC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6745     ???        Computer Software Configuration Item            CSCI      (출처: FAA GPS)

6746     ???        Computer Software Quality Program Plan            CSQPP   (출처: FAA GPS)

6747     ???        Computer Software Unit/Channel Service Units     CSU      (출처: FAA GPS)

6748     ???        Concept Exploration        CE        (출처: FAA GPS)

6749     ???        cone of ambiguity                       VOR의 전파복사 패턴과 관계되는 것으로서, 방위각정보는 통상적으로 VOR국을 중심으로 360 전방위에 걸쳐서 수평면상의 앙각 40 이내에서 이용이 가능한 것으로 알려지고 있으며, 따라서 나머지 100의 각을 이루는 VOR 직상공의 원추형 공역은 방위각 정보가 불분명하므로 cone of Ambiguity 또는 Cone of Silence라고 부른다.

6750     ???        Cone of Silence              ->Cone of Ambiguity

6751     ???        Configuration Control Board        CCB            (출처: FAA GPS)

6752     ???        Configuration Control Decision     CCD            (출처: FAA GPS)

6753     ???        Configuration Item          CI         (출처: FAA GPS)

6754     ???        Configuration Management Administration            CMA     (출처: FAA GPS)

6755     ???        Configuration Management Plan   CMP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6756     ???        Configuration Status Accounting Report            CSAR    (출처: FAA GPS)

6757     ???        Connecticut        CT        (출처: FAA GPS)

6758     ???        Connection Confirmation CC        (출처: FAA GPS)

6759     ???        Connection Refused        CRF       (출처: FAA GPS)

6760     ???        Connection Request        CR        (출처: FAA GPS)

6761     ???        Connector-Oriented Network Service            CONS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6762     ???        Consolidated Maintenance Control Center            CMCC    (출처: FAA GPS)

6763     ???        Consolidated Space Operations Center (Falcon AFS)       CSOC    (출처: FAA GPS)

6764     ???        Constant Current Regulator          CCR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6765     ???        Consumer Price Index      CPI        (출처: FAA GPS)

6766     ???        Continental US; Conterminous/Contiguous US        CONUS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6767     ???        Continuity of Function     COF      (출처: FAA GPS)

6768     ???        Contract Data Requirement          CDRL            (출처: FAA GPS)

6769     ???        Contract Data Requirement List     CDLS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6770     ???        Contract Funding Brief     CFB       (출처: FAA GPS)

6771     ???        Contract Funds Status Report       CFSR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6772     ???        Contract Line Item Number          CLIN            (출처: FAA GPS)

6773     ???        Contract Work Breakdown Structure            CWBS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6774     ???        Contracting Officer         CO        (출처: FAA GPS)

6775     ???        Contracting Officers Technical Representative    COTR    (출처: FAA GPS)

6776     ???        Contractor Acceptance Inspection CAI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6777     ???        Contractor Budget Base   CBB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6778     ???        Contractor Maintenance Logistics Support            CMLS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6779     ???        Contractor Master Test Plan          CMTP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6780     ???        Contractor Repair Service CRS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6781     ???        Contractor Support Transition Plan            CSTP     (출처: FAA GPS)

6782     ???        Contractor Test and Evaluation Master Plan            CTEMP  (출처: FAA GPS)

6783     ???        Contractor-Furnished Equipment   CFE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6784     ???        Control C&V Mode         CMD     (출처: FAA GPS)

6785     ???        Control C&V Operations and Maintenance            COM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6786     ???        Control Motion Noise      CMN     (출처: FAA GPS)

6787     ???        Control Segment CS        (출처: FAA GPS)

6788     ???        control slash                  해당 항공기의 실제 위치를 나타내는 RADAR BEACON SLASH.

6789     ???        controlled departure time programs                        계획표는 항공기의 지연이 항공로체계 또는 착륙 의도된 지역에서 생기도록 계획될 경우, 출발공항의 지상에 대기시키는 흐름통제 진행장치이다. 이들 계획표의 목적은 항공교통체계의 혼잡을 줄이거나 도착센터 또는 터미널지역에서 체공하도록 제한된다. CDT는 예상출발허가시간(EDCT)와 같이 비행계획서상에 나타난 특정 출발 SLOT이다.

6790     ???        Controlled Radiation Patterned Antenna            CRPA     (출처: FAA GPS)

6791     ???        Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication            CPDLC   (출처: FAA GPS)

6792     ???        Conventional Inertial System/Commonwealth of Independent States        CIS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6793     ???        Conventional International Origin  CIO            (출처: FAA GPS)

6794     ???        Conversion         CONV   (출처: FAA GPS)

6795     ???        Cooperative International GPS Network            CIGNET  (출처: FAA GPS)

6796     ???        Cooperative Research and Development Agreement         CRDA    (출처: FAA GPS)

6797     ???        Correction and Verification           CV, C&V            (출처: FAA GPS)

6798     ???        Correction Host Processor            COR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6799     ???        Correction Processor 1    C-1       (출처: FAA GPS)

6800     ???        Correction Processor 2    C-2       (출처: FAA GPS)

6801     ???        Corrections Processor      CP        (출처: FAA GPS)

6802     ???        Cost Account Manager    CAM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6803     ???        Cost Account Plan          CAP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6804     ???        Cost Account Standards Board      CASB            (출처: FAA GPS)

6805     ???        Cost Accounting Standards          CAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6806     ???        Cost Benefit Analysis       CBA      (출처: FAA GPS)

6807     ???        Cost Estimate Review Board         CERB            (출처: FAA GPS)

6808     ???        Cost of Money    COM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6809     ???        Cost Performance Report CPR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6810     ???        Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria            C/SCSC  (출처: FAA GPS)

6811     ???        Cost/Schedule Status Reporting    C/SSR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6812     ???        course               1. 북쪽으로부터 각도로 측정된 수평면에서 계획된 비행방향. 2. 일반적으로 전방진로 또는 후방진로로 명시되는 ILS 로컬라이저 신호형태.

6813     ???        Course-to-Fix     CF         (출처: FAA GPS)

6814     ???        Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan            CIPP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6815     ???        Critical Item Development Specification            CIDS     (출처: FAA GPS)

6816     ???        Critical Operational Issue COI       (출처: FAA GPS)

6817     ???        cross (fix) at (altitude)                  특정지점에서 특정한 고도제한이 요구되는 경우 항공교통관제시설에서 사용되는 용어.

6818     ???        cross (fix) at or above (altitude)                특정지점에서 고도제한이 요구되는 경우 항공교통관제시설에서 사용되는 용어. 이것은 그 지점을 지정된 고도보다 높게 통과하는 것을 의미한다. 그러나 더 높은 고도는 연속적인 고도제한 또는 배정된 고도를 위반할 고도는 아니다.

6819     ???        cross (fix) at or below (altitude)                특정 지점에서 최대통과고도가 요구되는 경우 항공교통관제시설에서 사용되는 용어. 이것은 그 지점에서 더 낮은 고도로 통과하는 것을 의미한다. 그러나 이것은 최소계기비행고도 이상이 되어야한다.

6820     ???        cross bleed start             지상전원 공급이 이루어지지 않은 경우 항공기 자체전원을 이용하여 엔진시동을 시도하는 것으로써, 주기장 내에서는 허가될 수 없으며, 항공기 후미 500피트 이상의 안전거리가 확보된 경우에 한하여 제한적으로 허가.

6821     ???        cubic feat          CUFT     1 feet 평방의 정방형체.

6822     ???        Current Frame Number    CFNO    (출처: FAA GPS)

6823     ???        Data Approval Sheet        DAS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6824     ???        Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment            DEC      (출처: FAA GPS)

6825     ???        Data Collection Processing CSCI; Data Collection Processor        DCP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6826     ???        Data Collection, Analysis, and Corrective Action System,    DCACAS (출처: FAA GPS)

6827     ???        Data Communication Equipment   DCE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6828     ???        Data Dictionary   DD        (출처: FAA GPS)

6829     ???        Data Dictionary Entry      DDE      (출처: FAA GPS)

6830     ???        Data Editing       DED      (출처: FAA GPS)

6831     ???        Data Entry and Display Subsystem DEDS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6832     ???        Data Flow Diagram         DFD      (출처: FAA GPS)

6833     ???        Data Integration and Calculation   DI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6834     ???        Data Item Description      DID       (출처: FAA GPS)

6835     ???        Data Link Application Processor    DLAP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6836     ???        Data Link Processor         DLP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6837     ???        Data Link Service            DLS       (출처: FAA GPS)

6838     ???        Data Management          DM       (출처: FAA GPS)

6839     ???        Data Multiplexing Network           DMN            (출처: FAA GPS)

6840     ???        Data Processing and Software Simulation Facility   DPSSF   (출처: FAA GPS)

6841     ???        Data Reduction Software  DRS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6842     ???        Data Responsibility Matrix/Acceptance Plan      DRMAP (출처: FAA GPS)

6843     ???        Data Service Unit            DSU      (출처: FAA GPS)

6844     ???        Data Set Ready   DSR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6845     ???        Data Terminal Equipment DTE       (출처: FAA GPS)

6846     ???        Data Terminal Ready        DTR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6847     ???        Data Termination Equipment        DTE            (출처: FAA GPS)

6848     ???        Data Validation   DV        (출처: FAA GPS)

6849     ???        Datum Crossing Height   DCH      (출처: FAA GPS)

6850     ???        Datum Point       DP        (출처: FAA GPS)

6851     ???        Dayton AFSS      DAY      (출처: FAA GPS)

6852     ???        Dayton, OH Automated Flight Service Station  MGY-AFSS         (출처: FAA GPS)

6853     ???        dead head                     상용기가 여객과 화물을 수송하지 않고 비행하는 복귀여행.

6854     ???        Dead Reckoning  D.R.       (출처: FAA GPS)

6855     ???        Decibel Hertz     dBHz     (출처: FAA GPS)

6856     ???        Decibel relative to 1 Watt dBW     (출처: FAA GPS)

6857     ???        Decibel relative to 1 Watt per square meter    DBW/M2           (출처: FAA GPS)

6858     ???        Decibel relative to isotropically radiated power   dBi        (출처: FAA GPS)

6859     ???        Decibels dB        (출처: FAA GPS)

6860     ???        Decibels - Isotropic Linear            DBil            (출처: FAA GPS)

6861     ???        Decibels above Isotropic  Dbic      (출처: FAA GPS)

6862     ???        Decibels per degree Kelvin           db/˚K            (출처: FAA GPS)

6863     ???        Decision Altitude DA        ->Decision Altitude/Height

6864     ???        Decision Height  DH        ->Decision Altitude/Height

6865     ???        Decision Support System Services DSSS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6866     ???        Defense Contract Audit Agency    DCAA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6867     ???        Defense Logistics Services Center  DLSC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6868     ???        Defense Mapping Agency DMA     (출처: FAA GPS)

6869     ???        Define Test Scenario        DS        (출처: FAA GPS)

6870     ???        Degree  deg       (출처: FAA GPS)

6871     ???        delay indefinite (Reason if know) expect further clearance (time)               지연시간 또는 지연 이유를 즉시 알 수 없는 경우, 조종사에게 통보하기 위하여 항공교통관제시설에서 사용되는 용어. 예를 들면, 활주로상의 고장 항공기, 공항 또는 항공로지역의 수용한계초과 착륙 최저치 미만의 기상 등. 허가한계점 이후에 대한 허가발부를 조종사가 예상 할 수 있는 시간.

6872     ???        Delay Lock Loop DLL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6873     ???        Delegation of Procurement Authority            DPA      (출처: FAA GPS)

6874     ???        Delivered Software Lines Of Code DSLOC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6875     ???        Delivery Confirmation Bit D          (출처: FAA GPS)

6876     ???        Delta Range/Dead Reckoning       DR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6877     ???        Demarcation      DEMARC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6878     ???        Demonstration and Validation       DEMVAL            (출처: FAA GPS)

6879     ???        Denver Area ARTTC (Longmont, CO)            ZDV      (출처: FAA GPS)

6880     ???        Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards        DoDISS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6881     ???        Deputy Satellite Operations Crew Commander       DCMDR (출처: FAA GPS)

6882     ???        Derivatives of Observables with Respect to Parameters         DOM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6883     ???        Derived Design Requirements       DDR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6884     ???        Design Change Notice     DCN      (출처: FAA GPS)

6885     ???        Design Data Transmittal   DDT      (출처: FAA GPS)

6886     ???        Design Qualification Test  DQT      (출처: FAA GPS)

6887     ???        Design Room Manual      DRM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6888     ???        Designated Approving Authority   DAA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6889     ???        Designated Engineering Representative            DER      (출처: FAA GPS)

6890     ???        Design-to-Cost/Dry Term Correction            DTC       (출처: FAA GPS)

6891     ???        desired course                1. TRUE - 사전에 정해진 진행하고자 하는 진로(진북으로부터 각도로 측정된) 2. MAGNETIC - 사전에 정해진 진행하고자 하는 진로(터미널 자북으로부터 각도로 측정된)

6892     ???        desired track                  두 웨이포인트(waypoint)간 계획되거나 예정된 트랙(track). 자북 또는 진북으로부터 “ °”로 측정된다.

6893     ???        Detailed Design  DD        (출처: FAA GPS)

6894     ???        Determine Alarm or Update         DAU            (출처: FAA GPS)

6895     ???        Development Assurance Level       DAL            (출처: FAA GPS)

6896     ???        Development Baseline     DBL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6897     ???        Development Test and Evaluation  DT&E            (출처: FAA GPS)

6898     ???        Diagnostic Rhyme Test     DRT      (출처: FAA GPS)

6899     ???        Differential Global Satellite Navigation System  DGNSS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6900     ???        Differential Pseudorange  DPR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6901     ???        Differential Pseudorange Correction            DPRC    (출처: FAA GPS)

6902     ???        Differential Range Error   DRE      (출처: FAA GPS)

6903     ???        Digital Linear Tape          DLT       (출처: FAA GPS)

6904     ???        Digital Power Supply       DPS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6905     ???        Digital Signal Processing  DSP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6906     ???        Digital signal, level zero   DSO      (출처: FAA GPS)

6907     ???        Digital Voice Recorder System       DVRS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6908     ???        Dilution Of Precision       DOP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6909     ???        dimensions                    일반 화물에 대해 운송 절차를 표준화 시킨 상품.

6910     ???        Direct Digital Connect     DDC      (출처: FAA GPS)

6911     ???        Direct Digital Synthesizer DDS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6912     ???        Direct Random Access Memory    DRAM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6913     ???        Direction Funding           DF        (출처: FAA GPS)

6914     ???        Display System Replacement         DSR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6915     ???        Dispute Resolution Officer           DRO            (출처: FAA GPS)

6916     ???        Distance Root Mean Square (not to be confused with Sigma)      DRMS   (출처: FAA GPS)

6917     ???        Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol            DVMRP  (출처: FAA GPS)

6918     ???        District of Columbia        D.C.       (출처: FAA GPS)

6919     ???        Domain Name System     DNS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6920     ???        doppler VOR                  cf. VOR

6921     ???        Dots per inch     dpi        (출처: FAA GPS)

6922     ???        due regard                     국가 항공기의 조종사가 모든 타 항공기로부터 자기 항공기를 분리시킬 책임을 보장하는 비행의 단계.

6923     ???        dynamic            조건을 충족시키기 위한 계속적인 검토, 평가 및 변경.

6924     ???        Dynamic Configuration Tool         DCT            (출처: FAA GPS)

6925     ???        Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol            DHCP    (출처: FAA GPS)

6926     ???        Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System  DOORS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6927     ???        Dynamic Ocean Tacking System    DOTS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6928     ???        dynamic pressure                       사물에 충돌할 때 기체, 액체, 고체에 의하여 작용되는 상대 운동에 의한 압력.

6929     ???        Early Resolution System   ERS       (출처: FAA GPS)

6930     ???        Earned Value Management           EVM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6931     ???        Earth Centered Earth Fixed           ECEF            (출처: FAA GPS)

6932     ???        Earth Orientation Parameters        EOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6933     ???        Earth Station/End-System ES         (출처: FAA GPS)

6934     ???        Earth’s Gravity Model      EGM     (출처: FAA GPS)

6935     ???        Earth-centered Inertial     ECI        (출처: FAA GPS)

6936     ???        Economic Service Life      ESL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6937     ???        Effective Radiated Power  ERP       (출처: FAA GPS)

6938     ???        Electrical Power (Sub) system        EPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6939     ???        Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory            EAROM (출처: FAA GPS)

6940     ???        Electro-Magnetic Capacity            EMC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6941     ???        Electro-Magnetic Compatibility     EMC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6942     ???        Electro-Magnetic Interference       EMI            (출처: FAA GPS)

6943     ???        Electro-Magnetic Pulse    EMP      (출처: FAA GPS)

6944     ???        Electromagnetic Radiation            EMR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6945     ???        Electronic Distance Measurement  EDM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6946     ???        Electronic Equipment Modification EEM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6947     ???        Electronic Industries Association   EIA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6948     ???        Electro-Optical Segment  EOS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6949     ???        Electrostatic Discharge     ESD       (출처: FAA GPS)

6950     ???        Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge    ESD            (출처: FAA GPS)

6951     ???        Emergency Locating Transmitter    ELT            (출처: FAA GPS)

6952     ???        En Route           ER        (출처: FAA GPS)

6953     ???        En Route through Nonprecision Approach            ER-NPA (출처: FAA GPS)

6954     ???        Encapsulating Security Payloads    ESP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6955     ???        Encrypted DoD Information on L2 Y-code            (출처: FAA GPS)

6956     ???        End Of Life        EOL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6957     ???        End Of Slot        EOS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6958     ???        End User Location           EUL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6959     ???        End-State Wide Area Augmentaition System  EWAAS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6960     ???        Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System  EICAS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6961     ???        engineered performance standard EPS            산술적으로 계산된 활주로 수용기준. EPS는 공항 운항기종, 운영절차, 활주로설계 및 특정 기상조건을 반영하고 각 공항에 대하여 개별적 기준에 의하여 계산된다. EPS는 종사자, 경험수준, 장비고장 및 AAR이 행하는 것 같이 수반되는 제한치를 고려하지는 않는다.

6962     ???        Engineering Change Memorandum            ECM      (출처: FAA GPS)

6963     ???        Engineering Change Proposal       ECP            (출처: FAA GPS)

6964     ???        Engineering Change Request        ECR            (출처: FAA GPS)

6965     ???        Engineering Development Model  EDM            (출처: FAA GPS)

6966     ???        Engineering Document Control     EDC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6967     ???        Engineering Notebook     ENB      (출처: FAA GPS)

6968     ???        Engineering, Research and Development Service  ACN      (출처: FAA GPS)

6969     ???        Enhance Traffic Management System            ETMS    (출처: FAA GPS)

6970     ???        Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol E-IGRP   (출처: FAA GPS)

6971     ???        Enhanced Terminal Voice Switch   ETVS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6972     ???        Enhanced Vision System  EVS       (출처: FAA GPS)

6973     ???        enroute spacing program             필요한 항적 공간을 이루기 위하여 해당 섹터를 협조하도록 설계된 프로그램.

6974     ???        Envelope-to-Cycle Discrepancy      ECD            (출처: FAA GPS)

6975     ???        Environment Impact Statement     EIS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6976     ???        Environmental Assessment           EA            (출처: FAA GPS)

6977     ???        Environmental Research Laboratories            ERL       (출처: FAA GPS)

6978     ???        Ephemeris CORRECTION  EC        (출처: FAA GPS)

6979     ???        Ephermis and Clock Estimator      ECEST            (출처: FAA GPS)

6980     ???        Equation            Eq         (출처: FAA GPS)

6981     ???        Equipment Selector         EQS      (출처: FAA GPS)

6982     ???        Equivalent Software Lines Of Code            ESLOC   (출처: FAA GPS)

6983     ???        Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM  (출처: FAA GPS)

6984     ???        Error Checking and Correction      ECC            (출처: FAA GPS)

6985     ???        Error Multipath   ERRMP  (출처: FAA GPS)

6986     ???        established                    비행로, 항공로구역, 고도, 기수상에 고정되거나 안정된 상태.

6987     ???        Estimated Range Deviation           ERD            (출처: FAA GPS)

6988     ???        European Currency Unit   ECU      (출처: FAA GPS)

6989     ???        European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service   EGNOS  (출처: FAA GPS)

6990     ???        Exchange and Repair       E&R      (출처: FAA GPS)

6991     ???        Exclusive-or        XOR      (출처: FAA GPS)

6992     ???        Executive Committee       EXCOM  (출처: FAA GPS)

6993     ???        expect (altitude) at (time) or (fix)               양방향 통신이 두절될 경우 조종사에게 고도 제공 목적의 계기출발허가의 종류.

6994     ???        expect further clearance via (airways, routes or fixes)               제출한 비행계획서와 단거리허가한계점 이후 비행로가 부분적으로 상이한 경우, 조종사에게 예상되는 비행로를 통보하기 위하여 사용되는 용어.

6995     ???        Explosives Detection System         EDS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6996     ???        Explosives Trace Detection            ETD            (출처: FAA GPS)

6997     ???        Extended Data Output     EDO      (출처: FAA GPS)

6998     ???        Extended Final Approach Segment EFAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

6999     ???        FAA Acquisition Executive FAE       (출처: FAA GPS)

7000     ???        FAA Acquisition System Toolset     FAST            (출처: FAA GPS)

