쿠팡 파트너스 추천인 코드 : AF9956533 *본 광고는 쿠팡의 판매수수료와 연계되어 있습니다.
항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 7501-8000
no 한글명 용어 약어 해설
7501 ??? Message Estimation MESS (출처: FAA GPS)
7502 ??? Message Handling MH (출처: FAA GPS)
7503 ??? Message Length ML (출처: FAA GPS)
7504 ??? Message Output MO (출처: FAA GPS)
7505 ??? Message Output Processing MOP (출처: FAA GPS)
7506 ??? Meteorological Data Collection and Reporting Service MDCRS (출처: FAA GPS)
7507 ??? meter fix arc 하나의 미터픽스로부터 등거리에 있으며, 대부분 미터픽스에 가까운 저고도상의 반원이다. CTAS/HOST는 미터시간을 산출하는데 도움이 되며, 도착항공로상에 있지 않거나 미터픽스를 배정 받지 못한 항공기에게 지정한 섹터 미터 목록 배정을 위하여 사용된다.
7508 ??? meter fix time/slot time 실제 계산된 착륙시간을 맞추기 위하여 착륙 시간 측정 픽스를 출발한 것을 계산한 시간이다. 이러한 시간은 강하속도 조정에 반영되고 도착시간 측정 픽스를 통과하기 이전에 사전 조치를 함으로서, 도착 시간에 통과하도록 한다.
7509 ??? meter list display interval 각 항공기에 대하여 미터픽스에서 비행계획의 계산된 도착시간 전에 분 단위의 수를 조절하는 동적 매개변수로, TCLT는 고정되고 ACLT가 된다; 예를 들면, 시간 개정이 중지되고 ACLT가 지정될 때까지, VTA는 개정되며 결과적으로 TCLT는 적절히 변경된다. 고정되는 경우, 항공기의 진입은 PVD 구역상에 전시를 위하여 도착구역의 미터 리스트(meter list)로 삽입된다. MLDI는 만약 제출된 실제 속도가 고정속도 매개변수(FSPD) 보다 낮거나 같은 경우 사용된다.
7510 ??? Meters per Second m/s , MPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7511 ??? Meters per Second Squared m/s2 (출처: FAA GPS)
7512 ??? Metroplex Control Facility MCF (출처: FAA GPS)
7513 ??? Miami Area ARTCC (Miami, FL) ZMA (출처: FAA GPS)
7514 ??? Microprocessor En Route Automated Radar Tracking System Micro-EARTS (출처: FAA GPS)
7515 ??? Microwave Frequency between 2 and 4 Ghz S/W (출처: FAA GPS)
7516 ??? Microwave Landing Engineer MLE (출처: FAA GPS)
7517 ??? Microwave Landing System MLS (출처: FAA GPS)
7518 ??? mileage system 비행거리에 의한 여객운임 산출방법. 두 지점간을 비행하는 경우 그 사이에 위치한 중간지점을 경유해도 직행의 120% 이내이면 직행운임이 적용됨. 이 한계를 최대허용거리(maximum permitted mileage)라 하며 이것을 초과하는 경우에는 할증운임이 가산된다.
7519 ??? Military Specification MIL-SPEC (출처: FAA GPS)
7520 ??? Military Standard MIL-STD (출처: FAA GPS)
7521 ??? Millibits Per Second mbps (출처: FAA GPS)
7522 ??? millimeter mm (출처: FAA GPS)
7523 ??? millimeter per second mm/s (출처: FAA GPS)
7524 ??? millimeter per second squared mm/s2 (출처: FAA GPS)
7525 ??? Milliradians mr (출처: FAA GPS)
7526 ??? millisecond ms (출처: FAA GPS)
7527 ??? Milliwatt hours per centimeter squared mW-hr/cm2 (출처: FAA GPS)
7528 ??? Milliwatts per centimeter-squared mW/cm2 (출처: FAA GPS)
7529 ??? Miniaturized Aviation GPS Receiver MAGR (출처: FAA GPS)
7530 ??? Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards MASPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7531 ??? Minimum Operational Network MON (출처: FAA GPS)
7532 ??? Minimum Operational Performance Schedule MOPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7533 ??? Minimum Operations Performance Standards MOPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7534 ??? minimums 특정 운항 또는 운항의 종류에 대하여 수립된 필수기상조건; 예를 들면, 계기 이ㆍ착륙, 계기비행에 대한 대체공항, 시계비행 등.
7535 ??? Minneapolis St. Paul (Airport ID) MSP (출처: FAA GPS)
7536 ??? minutes-in-trail 시간으로 표시된 항공기간의 명시된 간격. 이 방법은 고도와 관계없이 사용된다.
7537 ??? Missed Approach Holding Waypoint MAHP (출처: FAA GPS)
7538 ??? Mission Control Center MCC (출처: FAA GPS)
7539 ??? Mission Need Analysis MNA (출처: FAA GPS)
7540 ??? Mission Need Statement MNS (출처: FAA GPS)
7541 ??? MLS categories 1. MLS 범주Ⅰ: HAT(Height Above Touchdown)가 200피트 이상, 활주로 가시거리(RVR)가 1800피트 이상일 경우 접근을 제공하는 MLS 접근절차 2. MLS 범주Ⅱ : 데이터 수집 및 분석 완료까지 정의되지 않음. 3. MLS 범주Ⅲ : 데이터 수집 및 분석 완료까지 정의되지 않음.
7542 ??? Mobile Satellite Service MSS (출처: FAA GPS)
7543 ??? Mode select; discrete addressable secondary radar system with data-link Mode-S (출처: FAA GPS)
7544 ??? Model Work Environment MWE (출처: FAA GPS)
7545 ??? Modification Development and Verification Plan MDVP (출처: FAA GPS)
7546 ??? Modified Commercial Off The Shelf MCOTS (출처: FAA GPS)
7547 ??? Modified Julian Date MJD (출처: FAA GPS)
7548 ??? Modified Rhyme Test MRT (출처: FAA GPS)
7549 ??? monitor alert MA 개별 운영섹타에서 잠재적 수용 문제를 예측하도록 교통운영 관리자에게 방법(tool)을 제공하는 ETMS의 기능. MA는 교통흐름관리자가 실제 항공교통흐름을 위하여 특정섹터를 분석할 필요가 있거나 흐름조절이 필요한 경우, 행위 결정을 하여야함을 나타낸다.
7550 ??? monitor alert parameter MAP ETMS에 의한 감시경고 처리과정에서의 사용을 위하여 지정된 숫자. MAP는 15분의 증가를 위하여 각 운영섹터에 지정된다.
7551 ??? monitor alert parameter MAP ETMS에 의한 감시경고 처리과정에서의 사용을 위하여 지정된 숫자. MAP는 15분의 증가를 위하여 각 운영섹터에 지정된다.
7552 ??? Monitor and Control M&C (출처: FAA GPS)
7553 ??? Monitor C&V MCV (출처: FAA GPS)
7554 ??? Monitor Receiver Data MRD (출처: FAA GPS)
7555 ??? Monitor Station MS (출처: FAA GPS)
7556 ??? Monitor Station Data Processor MSDP (출처: FAA GPS)
7557 ??? Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit MMIC (출처: FAA GPS)
7558 ??? Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar MSSR (출처: FAA GPS)
7559 ??? More Data Bit M (출처: FAA GPS)
7560 ??? Most Significant Bit MSB (출처: FAA GPS)
7561 ??? MSAS Message Processor MMP (출처: FAA GPS)
7562 ??? MSAS Network Time MNT (출처: FAA GPS)
7563 ??? MSAS Signal Generator MSG (출처: FAA GPS)
7564 ??? MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation System MSAS (출처: FAA GPS)
7565 ??? Multi Mode Receiver MMR (출처: FAA GPS)
7566 ??? Multicast Open Shortest Path First MOSPF (출처: FAA GPS)
7567 ??? Multifunction Control Display Unit MCDU (출처: FAA GPS)
7568 ??? Multifunction Control Station/Maritime Communications Subsystem MCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7569 ??? Multi-function Transport Satellite MTSAT (출처: FAA GPS)
7570 ??? Multi-Function Transport System MSAS (출처: FAA GPS)
7571 ??? Multipath Elimination Technique MET (출처: FAA GPS)
7572 ??? Multipath Estimating Delay Lock Loop MEDLL (출처: FAA GPS)
7573 ??? Multiple Carrier MC (출처: FAA GPS)
7574 ??? Multiple Virtual System (Operating System) MVS (출처: FAA GPS)
7575 ??? Multiplexer MUX (출처: FAA GPS)
7576 ??? Mutual Recognition Arrangement MRA (출처: FAA GPS)
7577 ??? NAILS Management Team NAILSMT (출처: FAA GPS)
7578 ??? Nanosecond NSEC (출처: FAA GPS)
7579 ??? NAS Change Proposal NCP (출처: FAA GPS)
7580 ??? NAS Infrastructure Management System NIMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7581 ??? NAS Integrated Test and Evaluation NASIT&E (출처: FAA GPS)
7582 ??? NAS Integration/System Level and Test Plan NASISLTP (출처: FAA GPS)
7583 ??? NAS Inter-facility Communications System NICS (출처: FAA GPS)
7584 ??? NAS System Requirements Specification NASSRS (출처: FAA GPS)
7585 ??? National Aeronautical and Space Administration NASA (출처: FAA GPS)
7586 ??? National Aeronautical Charting Organization NACO (출처: FAA GPS)
7587 ??? National Air Traffic Controller Association NATCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7588 ??? National Air Traffic Services NATS (출처: FAA GPS)
7589 ??? National Airspace Data Interchange Network NADIN (출처: FAA GPS)
7590 ??? National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support NAILS (출처: FAA GPS)
7591 ??? National Airspace System NAS (출처: FAA GPS)
7592 ??? National Center NC (출처: FAA GPS)
7593 ??? National Centers for Environmental Prediction NCEP (출처: FAA GPS)
7594 ??? National Civilian Labor Force NCLF (출처: FAA GPS)
7595 ??? National Command Authority NCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7596 ??? National Data Buoy Center NDBC (출처: FAA GPS)
7597 ??? National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service NESDIS (출처: FAA GPS)
7598 ??? National Geodetic Service NGS (출처: FAA GPS)
7599 ??? National Geodetic Survey NGS (출처: FAA GPS)
7600 ??? National Institute of Science and Technology NIST (출처: FAA GPS)
7601 ??? National Meteorological Center NMC (출처: FAA GPS)
7602 ??? National Ocean Survey NOS (출처: FAA GPS)
7603 ??? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (출처: FAA GPS)
7604 ??? National Radio Communications Systems NARACS (출처: FAA GPS)
7605 ??? National Satellite Test Bed NSTB (출처: FAA GPS)
7606 ??? national search and rescue plan 모든 종류의 수색 및 구조 임무에 대하여 이용 가능한 모든 시설의 효율적 사용을 제공하는 국제기관간의 협정.
7607 ??? National Television Standards Committee NTSC (출처: FAA GPS)
7608 ??? National Transportation Policy NTP (출처: FAA GPS)
7609 ??? National Weather Service NWS (출처: FAA GPS)
7610 ??? National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway NWSTG (출처: FAA GPS)
7611 ??? Nautical Mile Nm (출처: FAA GPS)
7612 ??? Naval Air Systems Command NAVAIR (출처: FAA GPS)
7613 ??? navigable airspace 항공기의 안전한 이ㆍ착륙에 필요한 공역을 포함한 최저비행고도 이상의 공역.
7614 ??? Navigation Earth Station NES (출처: FAA GPS)
7615 ??? Navigation Notices to Users NANUS (출처: FAA GPS)
7616 ??? Navigation Payload NPD (출처: FAA GPS)
7617 ??? Navigation Recovery NVREC (출처: FAA GPS)
7618 ??? Navigation System Error NSE (출처: FAA GPS)
7619 ??? Navigation System with Timing and Ranging NAVSTAR (출처: FAA GPS)
7620 ??? Negative Acknowledgment NAK (출처: FAA GPS)
7621 ??? Negative Acknowledgment Signal and Reservation NAKRES (출처: FAA GPS)
7622 ??? negative contact 다음과 같은 때 관제사에게 통보하기 위해서 조종사가 활용한다. 1) 이전에 발령된 교통이 보이지 않을 때 교통을 회피하기 위한 조언을 제공하기 위해서 조종사의 요청에 따른다. 2) 특정 주파수에서 ATC와 교신이 되지 않을 때.
7623 ??? NES Processing CSCI NP (출처: FAA GPS)
7624 ??? Network Communication Subsystem NCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7625 ??? Network Computing Devices NCD (출처: FAA GPS)
7626 ??? Network Connection NC (출처: FAA GPS)
7627 ??? Network Control Circuit NCC (출처: FAA GPS)
7628 ??? Network Control Facility NCF (출처: FAA GPS)
7629 ??? Network Control Terminals NCT (출처: FAA GPS)
7630 ??? Network Coordination Station NCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7631 ??? Network Expansion NE (출처: FAA GPS)
7632 ??? Network File System NFS (출처: FAA GPS)
7633 ??? Network Information Center NIC (출처: FAA GPS)
7634 ??? Network Information System NIS (출처: FAA GPS)
7635 ??? Network Interface Unit NIU (출처: FAA GPS)
7636 ??? Network Logic Schedule NLS (출처: FAA GPS)
7637 ??? Network Operations Center NOC (출처: FAA GPS)
7638 ??? Network Protocol Control Information NPCI (출처: FAA GPS)
7639 ??? Network Protocol Data Unit NPDU (출처: FAA GPS)
7640 ??? Network Quality of Service Subsystem NQSS (출처: FAA GPS)
7641 ??? Network Service Data Unit NSDU (출처: FAA GPS)
7642 ??? Network Subsystem Interface NSI (출처: FAA GPS)
7643 ??? Network Terminal Protocol TELNET (출처: FAA GPS)
7644 ??? New England Regional Headquarters ANE (출처: FAA GPS)
7645 ??? New York Area ARTCC (Ronkonkoma, NY) ZNY (출처: FAA GPS)
7646 ??? Newtons N (출처: FAA GPS)
7647 ??? next data authority 현재 관할중인 항공기에 대한 통신 및 관제를 인계 받을 지상시스템.
7648 ??? Next Generation Air/Ground Communications NEXCOM (출처: FAA GPS)
7649 ??? Next Generation Radar NEXRAD (출처: FAA GPS)
7650 ??? Nippon Electric Corporation NEC (출처: FAA GPS)
7651 ??? Nippon Telegraph and Telephone NTT (출처: FAA GPS)
7652 ??? No Acknowledgement NACK (출처: FAA GPS)
7653 ??? no subject to load NOSUBLO 무상 또는 할인요금을 지급한 승객으로 일반승객과 같이 동일한 권리가 부여되어 좌석예약이 가능함.
7654 ??? noncomposite separation 지역에 따라서 특별히 설정된 복합적 분리 최저치가 아닌 일반적 최저치에 의한 분리를 말한다.
7655 ??? Non-Developmental Item NDI (출처: FAA GPS)
7656 ??? Non-Developmental Software NDS (출처: FAA GPS)
7657 ??? Non-Developmental Software/Nuclear Detonation Detection System NDS (출처: FAA GPS)
7658 ??? Non-Interlaced NI (출처: FAA GPS)
7659 ??? Non-Intrusive N/I (출처: FAA GPS)
7660 ??? nonmovement areas 항공교통관제하에 있지 않은 유도로와 주기장지역.
7661 ??? Non-Precision Approach NPA (출처: FAA GPS)
7662 ??? Non-Precision Approach with Vertical Guidance NPV (출처: FAA GPS)
7663 ??? Non-Recurring Engineering NRE (출처: FAA GPS)
7664 ??? Non-return to zero NRZ (출처: FAA GPS)
7665 ??? Non-Standard C/A NS (출처: FAA GPS)
7666 ??? Non-Standard P-code NSP (출처: FAA GPS)
7667 ??? Non-Standard Y-code NSY (출처: FAA GPS)
7668 ??? North American Datum-1927 coordinate system NAD-27 (출처: FAA GPS)
7669 ??? North American Datum-1938 coordinate system NAD-83 (출처: FAA GPS)
7670 ??? North Atlantic NAT (출처: FAA GPS)
7671 ??? North Atlantic System Planning Group NATSPG (출처: FAA GPS)
7672 ??? Northern Hemisphere NH (출처: FAA GPS)
7673 ??? Northwest Mountain Regional Headquarters ANM (출처: FAA GPS)
7674 ??? Not To Exceed NTE (출처: FAA GPS)
7675 ??? Notice Advisory to Navstar Users NANU (출처: FAA GPS)
7676 ??? Notice of Proposed Rule Making NPRM (출처: FAA GPS)
7677 ??? Novtel’s ASIC MINOS (출처: FAA GPS)
7678 ??? Number Controlled Oscillator NCO (출처: FAA GPS)
7679 ??? Number of Sus in a burst N (출처: FAA GPS)
7680 ??? Numerically Controlled Oscillator NCO (출처: FAA GPS)
7681 ??? numerous targets vicinity (location) 항공교통관제가 조종사에게 발부하는 교통정보조언으로 레이더 스코프에 과도한 항적이 있어 개별적으로 조언하기가 불가능할 때 사용하는 용어.
7682 ??? Nutation NUT (출처: FAA GPS)
7683 ??? O & M External Interface OEI (출처: FAA GPS)
7684 ??? O&M Simulator OS (출처: FAA GPS)
7685 ??? Oakland Area ARTTC (Fremont, CA) ZOA (출처: FAA GPS)
7686 ??? Oberlin Area ARTTC (Oberlin, OH) ZOB (출처: FAA GPS)
7687 ??? Object Modeling Technique OMT (출처: FAA GPS)
7688 ??? Observed Minus Computed OMC (출처: FAA GPS)
7689 ??? Obstacle Clearance Area OCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7690 ??? Obstacle Clearance Panel OCP (출처: FAA GPS)
7691 ??? Obstacle Evaluation and Airspace Assessment OEAAA (출처: FAA GPS)
7692 ??? Obstruction Identification Surface OIS (출처: FAA GPS)
7693 ??? Oceanic Area Control Center OAC (출처: FAA GPS)
7694 ??? Oceanic Area System Improvement Study OASIS (출처: FAA GPS)
7695 ??? Oceanic Clearance Delivery OCD (출처: FAA GPS)
7696 ??? Oceanic Development Facility ODF (출처: FAA GPS)
7697 ??? Oceanic Systems Manager OSM (출처: FAA GPS)
7698 ??? off line 자사선(自社線)이 운항하고 있지 않는 지점 또는 구간.
7699 ??? Office Automation Technology Services OATS (출처: FAA GPS)
7700 ??? Office of Aviation Research AAR (출처: FAA GPS)
7701 ??? Office of Disputes Resolution ODR (출처: FAA GPS)
7702 ??? Office of Management and Budget OMB (출처: FAA GPS)
7703 ??? Office of Primary Interest OPI (출처: FAA GPS)
7704 ??? Office of the Secretary Of Transportation OST (출처: FAA GPS)
7705 ??? Offices of Primary Responsibility OPR (출처: FAA GPS)
7706 ??? Old But Active Data OBAD (출처: FAA GPS)
7707 ??? On-Line Data Interchange OLDI (출처: FAA GPS)
7708 ??? Open Radar Data Acquisition ORDA (출처: FAA GPS)
7709 ??? Open Shortest Path First OSPF (출처: FAA GPS)
7710 ??? Open System Radar Generator ORPG (출처: FAA GPS)
7711 ??? Open Systems Interconnection OSI (출처: FAA GPS)
7712 ??? Operating System OS (출처: FAA GPS)
7713 ??? operation of flight plan ->operational flight plan
7714 ??? Operation Readiness Demonstration ORD (출처: FAA GPS)
7715 ??? Operational and Supportability Implementation System OASIS (출처: FAA GPS)
7716 ??? Operational Control Segment OCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7717 ??? Operational Evaluation OpEval (출처: FAA GPS)
7718 ??? operational planning & utilization system OPUS 항공기상, 특정 비행편의 출·도착정보 및 항공편의 진행사항, 항공기별 비행계획 등 항공기의 통제업무를 데이터베이스화한 시스템.
7719 ??? Operational Requirements Document/Observed Range Deviations ORD (출처: FAA GPS)
7720 ??? Operational Support Services AOS (출처: FAA GPS)
7721 ??? Operational System Parameter OSP (출처: FAA GPS)
7722 ??? Operational Test and Evaluation OT&E (출처: FAA GPS)
7723 ??? Operational Test Plan OTP (출처: FAA GPS)
7724 ??? Operational Testing OT (출처: FAA GPS)
7725 ??? Operations OPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7726 ??? Operations and Maintenance OM, O&M (출처: FAA GPS)
7727 ??? Operations Control Center OCC (출처: FAA GPS)
7728 ??? Opportunistic PM OPM (출처: FAA GPS)
7729 ??? Orbit Determination Control ODC (출처: FAA GPS)
7730 ??? Orbit Determination Data Editing ODE (출처: FAA GPS)
7731 ??? Orbit Determination Geometry ODG (출처: FAA GPS)
7732 ??? Orbit Determination Processing Algorithms OD (출처: FAA GPS)
7733 ??? orbit flight 시설을 중심으로 하여 일정 반경으로 선회 비행을 하는 것을 말한다.
7734 ??? Orbit Integration OBI (출처: FAA GPS)
7735 ??? Orbital Insertion Subsystem OIS (출처: FAA GPS)
7736 ??? Organizational Performance Target OPT (출처: FAA GPS)
7737 ??? OT&E Integration OT&E/I (출처: FAA GPS)
7738 ??? OT&E Operation OT&E/O (출처: FAA GPS)
7739 ??? OT&E Shakedown OT&E/S (출처: FAA GPS)
7740 ??? Other Direct Charges ODC (출처: FAA GPS)
7741 ??? Other Transition Authority OTA (출처: FAA GPS)
7742 ??? Out Of Service OOS (출처: FAA GPS)
7743 ??? Out Off On In OOOI (출처: FAA GPS)
7744 ??? out-bound carrier 입국 또는 통과상륙이 거절되었거나 추방을 명령한 국가로부터 INAD를 수송한 항공사.
7745 ??? Outgoing Aeronautical Logic Procedures OALP (출처: FAA GPS)
7746 ??? Outside Continental United States OCONUS (출처: FAA GPS)
7747 ??? over shoot 비행기의 착륙시, 소정의 진입경로 보다 높이 진입하거나 또는 정상 착륙지점을 지나서 접지하는 상황.
7748 ??? overlying center 특정 터미널지역의 도착/출발 비행을 관할하는 항공교통센터.
7749 ??? Oversized Controlled Crystal Oscillator OCXO (출처: FAA GPS)
7750 ??? oxygen equipment 고공비행 중인 항공기 내에 있는 사람에게 산소를 공급하기 위해 사용되는 산소 탱크, 마스크, 조절기, 연결장치 등 부품을 포함한 장비.
7751 ??? Pacific Engineering Trials PET (출처: FAA GPS)
7752 ??? Pacific Ocean Region POR (출처: FAA GPS)
7753 ??? Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation PHS&T (출처: FAA GPS)
7754 ??? Packet-Switched Network PSN (출처: FAA GPS)
7755 ??? Paid Time Off PTO (출처: FAA GPS)
7756 ??? PANS Aircraft Operations PANS-OPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7757 ??? parallel offset route 비행로의 좌우가 평행인 항공로로 지정되었거나 설정된 항공로/비행로 일반적으로 지역항법(RNAV)에서 주로 사용된다.
7758 ??? Parallel Packet Express PPX (출처: FAA GPS)
7759 ??? Parameter/Assembly P/A (출처: FAA GPS)
7760 ??? pass behind/in front of (descriptions) 지상에서 운항중인 항공기에게 타항공기 또는 주변의 교통상황을 고려, 진행방법을 지시하고자 할 경우에 사용되는 계류장 관제용어 (교통상황설명)
7761 ??? Peculiar Support Equipment PSE (출처: FAA GPS)
7762 ??? Performance Manager PERMON (출처: FAA GPS)
7763 ??? Performance Measurement Plan PMP (출처: FAA GPS)
7764 ??? Performing Organization PO (출처: FAA GPS)
7765 ??? Peripheral Component Interconnect PCI (출처: FAA GPS)
7766 ??? Permanent Virtual Circuit PVC (출처: FAA GPS)
7767 ??? Personal Computer PC (출처: FAA GPS)
7768 ??? Phase Center Offset PCO (출처: FAA GPS)
7769 ??? Phase Lock Loop PLL (출처: FAA GPS)
7770 ??? Phase Locked Oscillator PLO (출처: FAA GPS)
7771 ??? Phase Shift Keying PSK (출처: FAA GPS)
7772 ??? Physical Configuration Audit PCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7773 ??? Pilot Reports PIREPs (출처: FAA GPS)
7774 ??? pitchout 1) 직선 비행으로부터 착륙장주에 돌입하기 위하여 편대로부터 돌연히 선회 또는 파기하는 행위. 2) 이런 선회나 파기하는 점.
7775 ??? Plan for Software Aspects of Certification PSAC (출처: FAA GPS)
7776 ??? plan position indicator scope 좌표에서 표적의 거리와 방위각을 나타내주는 레이더 지시 스코프.
7777 ??? plane 1) air plane의 약칭. 2) 비행기의 날개. 3) 물리학에서는 2차원적인 크기나 표면. 4) 활공또는 소어링(soaring)하다.
7778 ??? pod 1) 비행기의 외부에 장착되어 있는, 어떤 물체를 씌운 유선형 덮개. a) 비행기 날개 아래에 장착된 하나 또는 2개 이상의 제트 엔진을 싸고 있는 유선형의 나셀. b) 기관총의 덮개. 2) 비행기에 있어서 자동으로 붙일 수 있는 화물 칸막이.
7779 ??? Point of Contact POC (출처: FAA GPS)
7780 ??? Point Of Presence POP (출처: FAA GPS)
7781 ??? Point Open System Interface for UNIX POSIX (출처: FAA GPS)
7782 ??? point out radar point out 참조.
7783 ??? Point to Point Protocol PPP (출처: FAA GPS)
7784 ??? polar trough aloft 10,000ft 이상의 한대트라푸에서는 동측의 중·고층에 구름을 많이 만든다. 지상의 기압계에는 영향을 주지 않으나 열대지역의 남단에 저압지역을 만들어 트라푸에서 떨어져 서향으로 이동하여 다량의 비를 가질 수도 있다.
7785 ??? Position Dilution of Precision PDOP (출처: FAA GPS)
7786 ??? Position Dilution of Precision (in x, y, z) PDOP (출처: FAA GPS)
7787 ??? Position Location and Reporting System PLRS (출처: FAA GPS)
7788 ??? Positioning, Velocity and Timing PVT (출처: FAA GPS)
7789 ??? Positive Control Area/Physical Control Audit PCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7790 ??? Post , Telephone and Telegraph PTT (출처: FAA GPS)
7791 ??? Power Conditioning Unit PCU (출처: FAA GPS)
7792 ??? Power Flex Density PFD (출처: FAA GPS)
7793 ??? power lever engine 출력을 control하기 위한 lever로써 throttle lever라고도 부르며, engine 한대당 한개의 lever가 조종실의 engine pedestal에 설치되어 있고, cable이나 push rod 등으로 engine fuel control system과 연결되어 있고 손으로 조작된다. lever를 앞으로 밀면 engine 출력이 증가하고, 뒤로 당기면 출력이 감소하도록 되어 있으며, 가장 뒤로 당겼을 때가 idle 위치이다.
7794 ??? Power on Self Test POST (출처: FAA GPS)
7795 ??? Precession PRC (출처: FAA GPS)
7796 ??? Precipitation Static P-STATIC (출처: FAA GPS)
7797 ??? Precise Positioning Service PPS (출처: FAA GPS)
7798 ??? Precise Systems, Inc. PSI (출처: FAA GPS)
7799 ??? Precise Time and Time Interval PTTI (출처: FAA GPS)
7800 ??? Precision Air Radar PAR (출처: FAA GPS)
7801 ??? Precision Automated Tracking System PATS (출처: FAA GPS)
7802 ??? Precision Code P-CODE (출처: FAA GPS)
7803 ??? Precision Code Channel P-Channel (출처: FAA GPS)
7804 ??? Prelaunch Checkout Station PCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7805 ??? Preliminary Design PD (출처: FAA GPS)
7806 ??? Preliminary Design Review PDR (출처: FAA GPS)
7807 ??? Preliminary Hazard Analysis PHA (출처: FAA GPS)
7808 ??? Preliminary Hazard List PHL (출처: FAA GPS)
7809 ??? Preliminary Qualifications Test PQT (출처: FAA GPS)
7810 ??? Preliminary Site Acceptance Test PSAT, P-SAT (출처: FAA GPS)
7811 ??? Preplanned Product Improvement P3I (출처: FAA GPS)
7812 ??? Pre-Planned Product Improvements PPPI (출처: FAA GPS)
7813 ??? Pre-Review Board PRB (출처: FAA GPS)
7814 ??? Present Position PPOS (출처: FAA GPS)
7815 ??? Prime Item Development Specification PIDS (출처: FAA GPS)
7816 ??? Probability Density Functions PDF (출처: FAA GPS)
7817 ??? Probability of Hazardously Misleading Information PHMI (출처: FAA GPS)
7818 ??? Problem Analysis Plan PRAP (출처: FAA GPS)
7819 ??? Problem Change Request PCR (출처: FAA GPS)
7820 ??? Problem/Change Report PCR (출처: FAA GPS)
7821 ??? Process for Transportation of a burst of N sus (block TTP) TXSU(N) (출처: FAA GPS)
7822 ??? Process Input Data PID (출처: FAA GPS)
7823 ??? Process Receiver Data PRD (출처: FAA GPS)
7824 ??? Procurement Request/Pseudorange PR (출처: FAA GPS)
7825 ??? Procurement Strategy Meeting PSM (출처: FAA GPS)
7826 ??? Product Baseline PBL (출처: FAA GPS)
7827 ??? Product Data Management System PDMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7828 ??? Product Team PT (출처: FAA GPS)
7829 ??? Product Unique Identifier PUID (출처: FAA GPS)
7830 ??? Product-definition header PDH (출처: FAA GPS)
7831 ??? Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation PAT&E (출처: FAA GPS)
7832 ??? Production and Deployment PRD (출처: FAA GPS)
7833 ??? Production Engineering Trials PEM (출처: FAA GPS)
7834 ??? Professional Airways System Specialists PASS (출처: FAA GPS)
7835 ??? Program Acquisition Management System PAMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7836 ??? Program Assessment Review Board PARB (출처: FAA GPS)
7837 ??? Program Configuration Control Board PCCB (출처: FAA GPS)
7838 ??? Program Directive PD (출처: FAA GPS)
7839 ??? Program Director for Navigation and Landing ANN (출처: FAA GPS)
7840 ??? Program Evaluation and Review Technique PERT (출처: FAA GPS)
7841 ??? Program Execution Plan PEP (출처: FAA GPS)
7842 ??? Program Implementation Plan PIP (출처: FAA GPS)
7843 ??? Program Management Committee PMC (출처: FAA GPS)
7844 ??? Program Management Office PMO (출처: FAA GPS)
7845 ??? Program Management Review PMR (출처: FAA GPS)
7846 ??? Program Manager/Phase Modulation PM (출처: FAA GPS)
7847 ??? Program Master Plan PMP (출처: FAA GPS)
7848 ??? Program Overview Meeting POM (출처: FAA GPS)
7849 ??? Program Quality Engineer PQE (출처: FAA GPS)
7850 ??? Program Readiness Review/Production Readiness Review PRR (출처: FAA GPS)
7851 ??? Program Status Report PSR (출처: FAA GPS)
7852 ??? Program Work Breakdown Structure PWBS (출처: FAA GPS)
7853 ??? Programmable Read Only Memory PROM (출처: FAA GPS)
7854 ??? Programmer Months PM (출처: FAA GPS)
7855 ??? Protocol Control Information PCI (출처: FAA GPS)
7856 ??? Protocol Data Unit PDU (출처: FAA GPS)
7857 ??? Protocol Independent Multicast PIM (출처: FAA GPS)
7858 ??? Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode PIM-SM (출처: FAA GPS)
7859 ??? Provisioning Requirements Statement PRS (출처: FAA GPS)
7860 ??? Provisioning Technical Document PTD (출처: FAA GPS)
7861 ??? Pseudo Noise PN (출처: FAA GPS)
7862 ??? Pseudo Random Noise PRN (출처: FAA GPS)
7863 ??? Pseudolite PL (출처: FAA GPS)
7864 ??? Pseudorange Correction PRC (출처: FAA GPS)
7865 ??? Pseudorange Correction fast PRCf (출처: FAA GPS)
7866 ??? Pseudorange Error PRE (출처: FAA GPS)
7867 ??? Public Data Network PDN (출처: FAA GPS)
7868 ??? Public Service Telephone Network PSTN (출처: FAA GPS)
7869 ??? Public Switched Telephone Network PTSN (출처: FAA GPS)
7870 ??? Pulse per second pps (출처: FAA GPS)
7871 ??? Quadrature Phase Shift Keying QPSK (출처: FAA GPS)
7872 ??? Qualcomm Corporation QC,Q (출처: FAA GPS)
7873 ??? Qualified Vendor List QVL (출처: FAA GPS)
7874 ??? Quality and Reliability Officer QRO (출처: FAA GPS)
7875 ??? Quality Control Program Plan QCPP (출처: FAA GPS)
7876 ??? Quality of Service QOS (출처: FAA GPS)
7877 ??? Queuing Unit QU (출처: FAA GPS)
7878 ??? quick look 타의 관제석에서 추적중인 항공기의 표시데이타를 읽어 아는것 또는 그 기능을 말한다.
7879 ??? R,E&D Advisory Committee REDAC (출처: FAA GPS)
7880 ??? Radar Data Acquisition RDA (출처: FAA GPS)
7881 ??? radar point out 항공기가 무선통신을 이양하지 않고 다른 관제사 공역 또는 보호공역을 진입하게 될 때, 항공기의 레이더 식별을 다른 관제사에게 이양하는 관제사의 조치사항.
7882 ??? Radar Project Generator RPG (출처: FAA GPS)
7883 ??? radio 1. 통신을 위해 사용되는 장치. 2. 민간비행정보소를 나타내기 위해 사용되는 용어 : 예를 들면 daegu Radio는 Daegu FSS를 명칭하는데 사용된다.
7884 ??? Radio Communications Link RCL (출처: FAA GPS)
7885 ??? Radio Control Equipment RCE (출처: FAA GPS)
7886 ??? Radio Determination Satellite Service RDSS (출처: FAA GPS)
7887 ??? Radio Frequency Ka KA (출처: FAA GPS)
7888 ??? Radio Frequency Ku Ku (출처: FAA GPS)
7889 ??? Radio Frequency Monitor RFM (출처: FAA GPS)
7890 ??? Radio Frequency Unit RFU (출처: FAA GPS)
7891 ??? Radio Frequency Uplink Subsystem RFU (출처: FAA GPS)
7892 ??? Radio Magnetic Interference RMI (출처: FAA GPS)
7893 ??? Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Service RTCM (출처: FAA GPS)
7894 ??? Radius-turn-to-fix RF (출처: FAA GPS)
7895 ??? Random Navigation/Area Navigation RNAV (출처: FAA GPS)
7896 ??? Range-Rate Corrections RRC (출처: FAA GPS)
7897 ??? Rapid Deployment Voice Switch RDVS (출처: FAA GPS)
7898 ??? Rapid Update Cycle RUC (출처: FAA GPS)
7899 ??? Rate Group Data RGD (출처: FAA GPS)
7900 ??? Raytheon Systems Company RSC (출처: FAA GPS)
7901 ??? R-channel used for Data RD (출처: FAA GPS)
7902 ??? R-channel used for NSC Functions Rsma (출처: FAA GPS)
7903 ??? Reaction Control Subsystem RCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7904 ??? Read Only Memory ROM (출처: FAA GPS)
7905 ??? Real Time Control RTC (출처: FAA GPS)
7906 ??? Real Time Gipsy RTG (출처: FAA GPS)
7907 ??? Real Time Orbit Determination RTOD (출처: FAA GPS)
7908 ??? Real-time Weather Processor RWP (출처: FAA GPS)
7909 ??? Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor RAIM (출처: FAA GPS)
7910 ??? Receiver Independent Exchange RINEX (출처: FAA GPS)
7911 ??? Receiver Independent Exchange Format RINEX (출처: FAA GPS)
7912 ??? Receiver Processing Unit RPU (출처: FAA GPS)
7913 ??? Record of WRE data RR (출처: FAA GPS)
7914 ??? Recovery Communication RCOM (출처: FAA GPS)
7915 ??? Reduced Instruction Set Computer RISC (출처: FAA GPS)
7916 ??? Reed Solomon RS (출처: FAA GPS)
7917 ??? Reference Burst RB (출처: FAA GPS)
7918 ??? Reference Number for a Telephone Call CP (출처: FAA GPS)
7919 ??? Regional Configuration Control Board RCCB (출처: FAA GPS)
7920 ??? Reliability and Maintainability R&M (출처: FAA GPS)
7921 ??? Reliability, Maintainability and Availability RMA,RM&A (출처: FAA GPS)
7922 ??? Remote Communications Air-Ground RCAG (출처: FAA GPS)
7923 ??? Remote Maintenance Monitoring RMM (출처: FAA GPS)
7924 ??? Remote Maintenance Monitoring System RMMS,RMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7925 ??? Remote Monitoring Subsystem RMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7926 ??? Remote Station RS (출처: FAA GPS)
7927 ??? Remote Status Unit RSU (출처: FAA GPS)
7928 ??? Remote Surveillance Communications Interface Processor RSCIP (출처: FAA GPS)
7929 ??? Remote Tracking System RTS (출처: FAA GPS)
7930 ??? Removable Media Device RMD (출처: FAA GPS)
7931 ??? Repeat Request RR (출처: FAA GPS)
7932 ??? Replacement Spares Parts List RSPL (출처: FAA GPS)
7933 ??? Report Cost/Schedule Performance CSPR (출처: FAA GPS)
7934 ??? Request for Acknowledge Signal RQA (출처: FAA GPS)
7935 ??? Request For Comment RFC (출처: FAA GPS)
7936 ??? Request For Deviation RFD (출처: FAA GPS)
7937 ??? Request for Offer RFO (출처: FAA GPS)
7938 ??? Request For Waiver RFW (출처: FAA GPS)
7939 ??? Request Of Assistance ROA (출처: FAA GPS)
7940 ??? Required Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Performance RCNSP (출처: FAA GPS)
7941 ??? Required Navigation Performance Capability RNPC (출처: FAA GPS)
7942 ??? Required Time of Arrival RTA (출처: FAA GPS)
7943 ??? Requirements and Technical Concepts for Aviation RTCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7944 ??? Requirements Document RD (출처: FAA GPS)
7945 ??? Requirements Management System RMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7946 ??? Research and Development Service ARD (출처: FAA GPS)
7947 ??? Research and Development Test and Evaluation RDT&E (출처: FAA GPS)
7948 ??? Research and Special Programs Administration of DOT RSPA (출처: FAA GPS)
7949 ??? Research Engineering and Development RE&D (출처: FAA GPS)
7950 ??? Research Project Initiative/Runway Point of Intercept RPI (출처: FAA GPS)
7951 ??? Reservation Forthcoming Signal RFC (출처: FAA GPS)
7952 ??? Reserved Alternate Path with Immediate Diversion RAP+ID (출처: FAA GPS)
7953 ??? Resource Allocation Subcommittee RAS (출처: FAA GPS)
7954 ??? Resource Planning Data RPD (출처: FAA GPS)
7955 ??? Resource Reservation Protocol RSVP (출처: FAA GPS)
7956 ??? Retransmission Message RTX (출처: FAA GPS)
7957 ??? Review Item Discrepancy RID (출처: FAA GPS)
7958 ??? Review of the General Concept of Separation RGCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7959 ??? Review of the General Concept of Separation Panel RGCSP (출처: FAA GPS)
7960 ??? Right Hand Circular RHC (출처: FAA GPS)
7961 ??? Right Hand Circular Polarization RHCP (출처: FAA GPS)
7962 ??? Ring Laser Gyro RLG (출처: FAA GPS)
7963 ??? Risk Management Plan RMP (출처: FAA GPS)
7964 ??? Risk Management Program Plan RMPP (출처: FAA GPS)
7965 ??? Risk Management Review RMB (출처: FAA GPS)
7966 ??? River Forecast Center RFC (출처: FAA GPS)
7967 ??? road reconnaissance 도로, 철도 및 하천을 따라 비행하는 군사활동. 정찰항공로 및 항공로구간은 거의 직선비행을 하지 않으며, 일반적으로 수평 폭 10~30NM, 고도범위 500~10,000피트 AGL로 이루어진다.
7968 ??? Root Mean Square RMS (출처: FAA GPS)
7969 ??? Root-Sum Squared RSS (출처: FAA GPS)
7970 ??? Rough Order of Magnitude ROM (출처: FAA GPS)
7971 ??? route action notification PAR/PDR/PDAR이 비행계획서에 적용되고 있는 URET CCLD 고시.
7972 ??? Routing & Circuit Restoral RCR (출처: FAA GPS)
7973 ??? Routing Information Protocol RIP (출처: FAA GPS)
7974 ??? RTCA, Inc. A not-for profit organization (출처: FAA GPS)
7975 ??? Runway Datum Point RDP (출처: FAA GPS)
7976 ??? Safety Assurance SA (출처: FAA GPS)
7977 ??? Safety Assurance Process Requirements SAPR (출처: FAA GPS)
7978 ??? Safety Processor SP (출처: FAA GPS)
7979 ??? Safety Requirements Criteria Analysis SRCA (출처: FAA GPS)
7980 ??? sail back 수상 비행기의 이동이 수상 방향타/객실창문의 개폐에 의하여 조종되는 곳에서(일반적으로 Power off 상태에서) 강풍상태일 경우 이루어지는 항공기 기동.
7981 ??? Salt Lake City Area ARTCC (Salt Lake City, UT) ZLC (출처: FAA GPS)
7982 ??? San Juan Airport SJU (출처: FAA GPS)
7983 ??? San Juan Area ARTTC (San Juan, Puerto Rico) ZSU (출처: FAA GPS)
7984 ??? Satellite and Environmental Service Center SESC (출처: FAA GPS)
7985 ??? Satellite Broadcast Network SBN (출처: FAA GPS)
7986 ??? Satellite Communications SATCOM (출처: FAA GPS)
7987 ??? Satellite Communications System SCS (출처: FAA GPS)
7988 ??? Satellite Communications Test Facility SCTF (출처: FAA GPS)
7989 ??? Satellite Control Center SCC (출처: FAA GPS)
7990 ??? Satellite Control Facility SCF (출처: FAA GPS)
7991 ??? Satellite Correction Processing SCP (출처: FAA GPS)
7992 ??? Satellite Data Unit/Service Data Unit SDU (출처: FAA GPS)
7993 ??? Satellite Engineering Officer SEO (출처: FAA GPS)
7994 ??? Satellite Ground System Operator GSO (출처: FAA GPS)
7995 ??? Satellite Laser Ranging SLR (출처: FAA GPS)
7996 ??? Satellite Mission Analysis Officer SAO (출처: FAA GPS)
7997 ??? Satellite Navigation SATNAV (출처: FAA GPS)
7998 ??? Satellite Navigation Automated Program Information Tool SNAPIT (출처: FAA GPS)
7999 ??? Satellite Navigation Test Bed SNTB (출처: FAA GPS)
8000 ??? Satellite Navigation User’s Group SNUG (출처: FAA GPS)
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