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국내 기업 주소록/국방.보안.안전

삼양화학 공업

by 아이러브비즈니스 2021. 12. 1.

Samyang Chemical Co., Ltd 삼양화학 공업 - Full Spectrum Protection Against The Modern Threats - 최첨단 전장 위협으로부터 전 대역에 걸친 방호 제공 - NBC Protections 화생방방호 ■ Pyrotechnic Ammunitions 탄약 ■ Camouflage & Signature Management 위장,신호관리

Biological Detection, Identification Equipment 생물학작용제 탐지, 식별장비 BTMS : Biological Agent & Toxin Monitoring System 49912111 Monitoring and Collecting of Biological Agents & Toxin 1 CROSS Central Control Unit See BA BETES W ASES B WW DRESS BE ES WWW SED SMO RES we BTMS BISS NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle BTMS NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle DELLER BE WMS RE wireless GO BTMS wire BTDS : Biological Agent & Toxin Detection System 생물독소분석식별기 | Detection, Collection and Identification of Biological Agents & Toxin BTDS is mounted on the NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle to monitor, collect and identify of biological aerosol or stand alone operation. BSC : Biological Agent Sampling Collector 생물시료수집기 Collecting bio-aerosol samples for sending to a precision analysis laboratory. NBDS : New Biological Aerosol Detection/Collection System 생물입도분포측정기 Monitoring and Control with wire and LTE. Maximum 128 NBDS interlinks with one sever. Particle Detector Bio aerosal Collector BSC is mounted on the NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle, or stand alone operation Shelter Operation Computer For Winter Time Night Operation purpose - Commercial equipment based on the BTMS - Deployed at airport, metro, conference hall, stadium etc.

Multi-Spectral Screening Smoke C atal K415 Visible/IR Screening Smoke Grenade 424 9 94 Et K415 smoke grenade is used with KM250, K18, KM255, KM259, KM260 and similar 66MM grenade launchers to provide a visual and IR smoke screening capability for armored/tactical vehicles. -Screening Band : Visible-IR/Laser UM Na . K415 (DODIC : KG16) K415 K419 Visible/IR/MM-W Screening Smoke Grenade @ 0.24 €! K419-1/2 smoke grenade is used with dedicated launchers for K2 MBT, and also K419-1(M)/2(M) is used with KM250, K18, KM255, KM259, KM260 and similar 66MM grenade launchers to provide a visual, IR and MM-W smoke screening capability for armored/tactical vehicles. S ER SA . ME -Screening Band K419-1(M): Visible-IR/Laser-MMW -Screening Band K419-2(M): Visible-IR/Laser K419-1(M) (DODIC : KG23) www K419-2(M) (DODIC : KG24) | Infrared Screening Smoke Pot 적외선 차폐연막통 Smoke pots are used to provide both visual and IR screening smoke capability for wide area smoke operations. -Ignition Method : Electrical, or Mechanical (Dual Functioning Fuze) -Burn time : 15minutes 2001 KK 968 Ground, K968 (DODIC : KK868) Floating, K969 (DODIC : KK869) Visual Screening www. Www www. 2 wwwwwww EN w wwww . Www BMW IR/Thermal Screening


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