2009, government-funded research institutes,
by 아이러브비즈니스
2021. 12. 7.
2009, government-funded research institutes,
Economics, Humanities and Social Research Society
- Science and Technology Policy Research Institute - Transportation Development Research Institute - Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements
- Institute for Foreign Economic Policy - Institute of Industry and Energy - Institute for Energy Economics
- Information and Communication Policy Institute - Institute for National Unification - Korea Development Institute
- Korea Educational Development Institute - Korea Curriculum and Evaluation Institute - Korea Labor Institute
- Korea Rural Economic Research Institute - Korea Legislative Research Institute - Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs
- Korea Women's Development Institute - Korea Tax Research Institute - Korea Vocational Competency Development Institute
- Korea Youth Policy Institute - Korea Maritime and Fisheries Development Institute - Korea Institute of Public Administration
- Korea Institute of Criminal Policy - Korea Environmental Policy and Evaluation Institute
Public Technology Research Society
- Korea Institute of Construction Technology - Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information - Korea Institute of Energy Technology
- Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources - Korea Railroad Research Institute - Korea Institute of Standards and Science
- Korea Aerospace Research Institute - Korea Maritime Research Institute
Basic Technology Research Society
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology - Korea Institute of Basic Science and Technology - Korea Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
- Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Industrial Technology Research Society
- Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials - Korea Institute of Industrial Technology - Korea Food Research Institute
- Korea Electric Research Institute - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute - Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
- Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology