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항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 7001-7500

by 아이러브비즈니스 2022. 3. 29.


쿠팡 파트너스 추천인 코드   :    AF9956533          *본 광고는 쿠팡의 판매수수료와 연계되어 있습니다.

항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 7001-7500
no        한글명   용어      약어      해설

7001     ???        FAA Satellite Test Facility  FASTF    (출처: FAA GPS)

7002     ???        FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure            FTI        (출처: FAA GPS)

7003     ???        Facilities and Equipment  F&E      (출처: FAA GPS)

7004     ???        Facility Reference Data File           FRDF            (출처: FAA GPS)

7005     ???        Facility, Service, and Equipment Profile            FSEP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7006     ???        Factory Acceptance Test   FAT       (출처: FAA GPS)

7007     ???        Factory Acceptance Test Plan        FATP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7008     ???        Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis FMECA  (출처: FAA GPS)

7009     ???        Failure Modes and Effects Analysis            FMEA    (출처: FAA GPS)

7010     ???        Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System  FRACAS (출처: FAA GPS)

7011     ???        Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System    FRACAS (출처: FAA GPS)

7012     ???        Failure Review Board       FRB       (출처: FAA GPS)

7013     ???        Farmington Area ARTCC (Farmington, MN)            ZMP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7014     ???        Fast Correction Processing           FCP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7015     ???        Fast Ethernet Switch        FES       (출처: FAA GPS)

7016     ???        fast file              조종사가 전화를 통해 비행계획을 제출하는 시스템으로 비행계획은 녹음되며 해당 항공교통관제시설로 전송된다.

7017     ???        Fast Routing Engine        FRE       (출처: FAA GPS)

7018     ???        Fault Detection and Exclusion       FDE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7019     ???        Fault Tree Analysis           FTA       (출처: FAA GPS)

7020     ???        Feasibility Test Plan         FT&E     (출처: FAA GPS)

7021     ???        Federal  FED       (출처: FAA GPS)

7022     ???        Federal Acquisition/Aviation Regulations            FAR       (출처: FAA GPS)

7023     ???        Federal Aviation Administration Headquarters     FAAQ    (출처: FAA GPS)

7024     ???        Federal Aviation Administration Logistics Center   FAALC   (출처: FAA GPS)

7025     ???        Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center   FAATC    (출처: FAA GPS)

7026     ???        Federal Executive Advisory Board  FAB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7027     ???        Federal Information Processing     FIP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7028     ???        Federal Information Resource Management Regulation  FIRMR   (출처: FAA GPS)

7029     ???        Federal Radionavigation Plan        FRP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7030     ???        Federal Supply Schedule  FSS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7031     ???        Federal Telecommunications Service            FTS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7032     ???        Federally Funded Research and Development Center        FFRDC   (출처: FAA GPS)

7033     ???        Field Programmable Gate Arrays   FPGA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7034     ???        Figure of Merit   FOM     (출처: FAA GPS)

7035     ???        File Transfer Protocol       FTP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7036     ???        File Transfer Service 2000 FTS2000 (출처: FAA GPS)

7037     ???        filed                  일반적으로 항공교통관제기관에 제출된 비행계획을 의미하는, 비행계획서와 관련하여 사용된다.

7038     ???        Final Approach Waypoint FAWP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7039     ???        final monitor aid             정밀활주로감시시스템(PRM)에서 사용되는 하드웨어/소프트웨어의 관제사 경보 시스템을 장착한 고해상도 전시기. 이 전시기는 타깃예측 제공하는 경고 알고리즘, 항적이 진입하거나 NTZ을 진입이 예상 될 때, 색상 변경 경보, 항공기 응답기 고장이 발생하는 경우에 대비하여 색상변경경보, 합성음성 경보, 디지털 지도제작 및 정밀 활주로 감시 시스템의 기능들을 포함하고 있다.

7040     ???        Final Site Acceptance Test F-SAT    (출처: FAA GPS)

7041     ???        Finding of No Significant Impact   FONSI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7042     ???        Firmware Support Manual            FSM            (출처: FAA GPS)

7043     ???        Fiscal Year          FY         (출처: FAA GPS)

7044     ???        fix balancing                  항공기의 지연 또는 관제사 업무량을 줄이기 위하여 몇몇 유용한 도착 픽스에 항공기를 균등하게 할당하는 방법.

7045     ???        Fixed Position Surveillance           FPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7046     ???        Fixed Radiation Patterned Antenna            FRPA     (출처: FAA GPS)

7047     ???        flag                   아래 사항을 나타내는 탑재 항법 및 비행계기에 통합된 경고장치. 1. 계기가 작동되지 않거나 그밖에 안전하게 운영되지 않을 경우. 2. 수신신호의 강도 및 질이 허용치 미만으로 떨어질 경우.

7048     ???        Flexible Modular Interface            FMI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7049     ???        Flight Data Input and Output       FDIO            (출처: FAA GPS)

7050     ???        Flight Management System          FMS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7051     ???        Flight Management System Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Calibration through Enhanced Surveillance       FACES    (출처: FAA GPS)

7052     ???        Flight Path Alignment Point          FPAP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7053     ???        Flight Service Automation System FSAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7054     ???        Flight Standards Service   AFS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7055     ???        Flight Technical Error       FTE       (출처: FAA GPS)

7056     ???        follow (description)                     운항중인 항공기에 대한 진행순서 배정을 목적으로 이동경로 상에 앞서 진행 중인 항공기를 뒤따를 것을 지시하고자 할 때에 사용되는 관제용어(앞선 항공기의 진행상황을 설명)

7057     ???        For Official Use Only       FOUO    (출처: FAA GPS)

7058     ???        Forecast Systems Laboratory         FSL            (출처: FAA GPS)

7059     ???        Formal Qualification Review         FQR            (출처: FAA GPS)

7060     ???        Formal Qualification Test  FQT       (출처: FAA GPS)

7061     ???        Formal Qualification Testing         FQT            (출처: FAA GPS)

7062     ???        Format Identifier Field     FID        (출처: FAA GPS)

7063     ???        Format Message FMT      (출처: FAA GPS)

7064     ???        Format Simulated Data    FD        (출처: FAA GPS)

7065     ???        Fort Worth Area ARTCC (Euless, TX)            ZFW      (출처: FAA GPS)

7066     ???        Frame check sequence     FCS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7067     ???        Frame Sequence Number FSN      (출처: FAA GPS)

7068     ???        Frame-level header          FH        (출처: FAA GPS)

7069     ???        Freight On Board            FOB      (출처: FAA GPS)

7070     ???        Frequency Corrections     FQC      (출처: FAA GPS)

7071     ???        Frequency Distribution Amplifier   FDA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7072     ???        Frequency Division Multiple Access            FDMA    (출처: FAA GPS)

7073     ???        Frequency Excision          FX         (출처: FAA GPS)

7074     ???        Frequency from 390Mhz to approximately 1.55Ghz L-BAND (출처: FAA GPS)

7075     ???        Frequency Plan   FP         (출처: FAA GPS)

7076     ???        Full Digits ARTS Display   FDAD    (출처: FAA GPS)

7077     ???        Full Duplex        FDX       (출처: FAA GPS)

7078     ???        Full Operational Capacity/Capability            FOC      (출처: FAA GPS)

7079     ???        Full Scale Deflection        FSD       (출처: FAA GPS)

7080     ???        Full-Scale Development    FSD       (출처: FAA GPS)

7081     ???        Functional Baseline         FBL       (출처: FAA GPS)

7082     ???        Functional Configuration Audit     FCA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7083     ???        Functional Verification System      FVS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7084     ???        FX and Nonlinear Adaptive Processing            FXNONAP          (출처: FAA GPS)

7085     ???        Gain      G          (출처: FAA GPS)

7086     ???        Gain/Temperature           G/T       (출처: FAA GPS)

7087     ???        gap                   surface segment 승객이 여정중에 항공기이외의 교통수단으로 여행하는 여정으로 현지점과 다음의 탑승지점이 동일하지 않는 경우를 의미함.

7088     ???        GCS Processor    GP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7089     ???        General Accounting Office           GAO            (출처: FAA GPS)

7090     ???        General Aviation and Vertical Flight            GA&VF  (출처: FAA GPS)

7091     ???        General Aviation/Ground Antenna GA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7092     ???        General Development Model        GDM            (출처: FAA GPS)

7093     ???        General Services Administration    GSA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7094     ???        GEO Communications Subsystem  GCS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7095     ???        GEO Ephemeris Processing           GEP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7096     ???        GEO Navigation Data Generation  GNG            (출처: FAA GPS)

7097     ???        GEO Satellite Transponder            GST            (출처: FAA GPS)

7098     ???        GEO Uplink Sub System   GUS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7099     ???        GEO Uplink Subsystem HWCI       GUS_H            (출처: FAA GPS)

7100     ???        Geocenter Offset and Coordinate Scaling            GOS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7101     ???        Geodetic Reference System          GRS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7102     ???        Geographic Information System    GIS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7103     ???        Geometric Dilution of Precision (in x,y,z,t for GPS) GDOP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7104     ???        Geopotential altitude in the earth’s atmosphere above mean standard sea level pressure datum surface, measured by a pressure (barometric) altimeter.            Barometric Altitude         (출처: FAA GPS)

7105     ???        Geostationary Communication and Control Segment            GCCS    (출처: FAA GPS)

7106     ???        Geostationary Communication Segment            GCS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7107     ???        Geostationary Earth Orbit GEO      (출처: FAA GPS)

7108     ???        Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite GEOS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7109     ???        Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GOES    (출처: FAA GPS)

7110     ???        Gigabyte            GB        (출처: FAA GPS)

7111     ???        Gigahertz (1 billion Hz)    GHZ      (출처: FAA GPS)

7112     ???        Glide Path Intercept Point GPIP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7113     ???        Glidepath Angel (approach path elevation angle)    El          (출처: FAA GPS)

7114     ???        Global Navigation Satellite System  (Russia) GLONASS          (출처: FAA GPS)

7115     ???        Global Navigation Satellite System (ICAO)            GNSS    (출처: FAA GPS)

7116     ???        Global navigation satellite system In-Service Test        GIST      (출처: FAA GPS)

7117     ???        Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System  GLONASS          (출처: FAA GPS)

7118     ???        Global Positioning Inertial Reference System  GPIRU   (출처: FAA GPS)

7119     ???        Global Positioning System Integrity Channel GIC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7120     ???        Global Positioning System Time    GPST            (출처: FAA GPS)

7121     ???        Global Timing System      GTS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7122     ???        GNSS (Landing) Unit       GNSSU  (출처: FAA GPS)

7123     ???        GNSS Landing System     GLS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7124     ???        Government Furnished Information            GFI        (출처: FAA GPS)

7125     ???        Government Furnished Property    GFP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7126     ???        Government Furnished Service      GFS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7127     ???        Government Industry Partnership  GIP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7128     ???        Government-Furnished Equipment GFE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7129     ???        GP Simulator      GS        (출처: FAA GPS)

7130     ???        GPS Alignment Reference Point    GARB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7131     ???        GPS Ephemeris Geometry Processing            GEG      (출처: FAA GPS)

7132     ???        GPS Inferred Positioning System   GIPSY            (출처: FAA GPS)

7133     ???        GPS Information Center   GPSIC    (출처: FAA GPS)

7134     ???        GPS Joint Program Office (El Segundo, CA)            JPO       (출처: FAA GPS)

7135     ???        GPS OCS Performance Analysis and Reporting          GOSPAR (출처: FAA GPS)

7136     ???        GPS Precision Positioning Service L-band ranging signal    L2         (출처: FAA GPS)

7137     ???        GPS Standard Positioning Service L-band ranging signal    L1         (출처: FAA GPS)

7138     ???        GPS/GEO Data Collector  GG        (출처: FAA GPS)

7139     ???        Gram    g          (출처: FAA GPS)

7140     ???        Graphical User Interface   GUI       (출처: FAA GPS)

7141     ???        Great Lakes Region         AGL      (출처: FAA GPS)

7142     ???        Grid Ionospheric Vertical Error      GIVE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7143     ???        Grid Ionospheric Vertical Error Indicator            GIVEI     (출처: FAA GPS)

7144     ???        Gridded Binary   GRIB     (출처: FAA GPS)

7145     ???        Gross Navigation Error    GME     (출처: FAA GPS)

7146     ???        Gross Navigational Error  GNE      (출처: FAA GPS)

7147     ???        Ground Based Augmentation System            GBAS    (출처: FAA GPS)

7148     ???        Ground Data Link Processor         GDLP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7149     ???        Ground Integrity Broadcast          GIB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7150     ???        Ground Integrity Broadcast/Wide-Area Differential         GIB/WAD           (출처: FAA GPS)

7151     ???        Ground Level      GL        (출처: FAA GPS)

7152     ???        Ground Model    GDM     (출처: FAA GPS)

7153     ???        Ground Monitoring and Control   GMC            (출처: FAA GPS)

7154     ???        Ground Monitoring Equipment     GMS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7155     ???        Ground Monitoring Station          GMS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7156     ???        Ground Point of Intercept GPI       (출처: FAA GPS)

7157     ???        Ground Reference           GR        (출처: FAA GPS)

7158     ???        Ground Repetition Rate   GRI       (출처: FAA GPS)

7159     ???        Ground Uplink Station     GUS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7160     ???        Ground-Based Inerting    GBI       (출처: FAA GPS)

7161     ???        Ground-based VLF Navigation System            OMEGA (출처: FAA GPS)

7162     ???        Ground-Earth Station      GES       (출처: FAA GPS)

7163     ???        Group Repetition Rate     GRR      (출처: FAA GPS)

7164     ???        Gulf of Mexico   GoM     (출처: FAA GPS)

7165     ???        GUS LRU Simulator         GL        (출처: FAA GPS)

7166     ???        GUS Processing  GP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7167     ???        GUS Processor    GUSP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7168     ???        Handover Word  HOW    (출처: FAA GPS)

7169     ???        Hands-On Training          HOT      (출처: FAA GPS)

7170     ???        Hardware Configuration Item       HWCI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7171     ???        Hardware Problem Reports          HPR            (출처: FAA GPS)

7172     ???        Hardware Requirement Specification            B1        (출처: FAA GPS)

7173     ???        have numbers                조종사가 사용 활주로, 바람, 그리고 고도계수정치 정보만을 수신했다는 것을 항공교통관제기관에 알리기 위하여 사용하는 용어.

7174     ???        Hazard Records  HRs      (출처: FAA GPS)

7175     ???        Hazard Review Team       HRT      (출처: FAA GPS)

7176     ???        Hazard Risk Index           HRI       (출처: FAA GPS)

7177     ???        Hazardously Misleading Information            HMI      (출처: FAA GPS)

7178     ???        Headquarters     HQ       (출처: FAA GPS)

7179     ???        Heads Up Display           HUD     (출처: FAA GPS)

7180     ???        Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning            HVAC    (출처: FAA GPS)

7181     ???        Helicopter Instrument Lighting System            HILS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7182     ???        Helicopter Touchdown Zone         HTZ            (출처: FAA GPS)

7183     ???        Hewlett Packard  HP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7184     ???        High Definition Television HDTV    (출처: FAA GPS)

7185     ???        High Dynamic    HD        (출처: FAA GPS)

7186     ???        High Dynamic User Equipment     HDUE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7187     ???        High Gain Avionics System           HGAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7188     ???        High Intensity Radiation Fields      HIRF            (출처: FAA GPS)

7189     ???       High Order Language (computer language)            HOL      (출처: FAA GPS)

7190     ???        High Power Amplifier      HPA      (출처: FAA GPS)

7191     ???        Higher Layer Entity          HLE       (출처: FAA GPS)

7192     ???        High-level Data Link Control        HDLC            (출처: FAA GPS)

7193     ???        Hillard Area ARTCC (Hillard, FL)     ZJX            (출처: FAA GPS)

7194     ???        HIWAS broadcast area                 악기상 조언방송을 위하여 FSS에 배정된 책임지역을 말하며, 하나 이상의 HIWAS 송출국을 포함하고 있다.

7195     ???        HIWAS outlet area                      HIWAS 송출국 지역으로 150NM범위이며, 필요에 따라 범위가 확장된다. HOLD (descriptions) : 운항중인 항공기 또는 주기장에서 후방견인을 요청하는 항공기로 하여금 대기를 지시하고자 할 경우에 사용되는 계류장관제용어(적절한 사유를 제공)

7196     ???        hold (descriptions)                      운항중인 항공기 또는 주기장에서 후방견인을 요청하는 항공기로 하여금 대기를 지시하고자 할 경우에 사용되는 계류장관제용어(적절한 사유를 제공)

7197     ???        hold-short signs             Hold-short Point을 따라 나란히 설치된 적백색의 대기지점 표시.

7198     ???        Honolulu Area ARTCC (Honolulu, HI)            HNL      (출처: FAA GPS)

7199     ???        Honolulu, HI AFSS          HNL      (출처: FAA GPS)

7200     ???        Horizontal Alert Limit      HAL      (출처: FAA GPS)

7201     ???        Horizontal Dilution of Position      HDOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7202     ???        Horizontal Dilution Of Precision    HDOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7203     ???        Horizontal Dilution of Precision (in x,y)            HDOP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7204     ???        Horizontal Position Error  HPE      (출처: FAA GPS)

7205     ???        Horizontal Position Error Threshold            HPET     (출처: FAA GPS)

7206     ???        Horizontal Protection Level          HPL            (출처: FAA GPS)

7207     ???        Horizontal Uncertainty Level         HUL            (출처: FAA GPS)

7208     ???        Host Identifier    HST      (출처: FAA GPS)

7209     ???        Host Interface Device      HID       (출처: FAA GPS)

7210     ???        Host/Oceanic Computer System Replacement      HOCSR  (출처: FAA GPS)

7211     ???        Host-Group Identifier       GRP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7212     ???        House Of Cards Model    HOCM   (출처: FAA GPS)

7213     ???        Houston Area ARTTC (Houston, TX)            ZHU      (출처: FAA GPS)

7214     ???        how do you hear me                   송신 감도 도는 송신이 얼마나 잘 수신되는 지를 측정하기 위한 질문.

7215     ???        Hughes Information Technology Systems            HITS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7216     ???        Hughes Technical Services Company            HTSC     (출처: FAA GPS)

7217     ???        Human Computer Interface          HCI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7218     ???        Human Engineering        HE        (출처: FAA GPS)

7219     ???        Human Engineering Design Approach Document-Maintainer      HEDAD-M          (출처: FAA GPS)

7220     ???        Human Factors Engineering          HFE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7221     ???        Human Factors Plan        HFP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7222     ???        I say again                     송신을 다시 반복하겠다는 용어.

7223     ???        Iceland Air Defense System          IADS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7224     ???        Identifier            ID         (출처: FAA GPS)

7225     ???        If no transmission received for (time)                    레이더접근 시 통신두절을 대비하여 조종사가 따라야 할 절차를 사전에 알려주는 용어.

7226     ???        IFR                    계기비행규칙을 나타내는 약어

7227     ???        Illustrated Parts Breakdown          IPB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7228     ???        In Accordance With         IAW      (출처: FAA GPS)

7229     ???        In Process Review           IPR        (출처: FAA GPS)

7230     ???        Independent Data Monitor           IDM            (출처: FAA GPS)

7231     ???        Independent Data Verification       IDV            (출처: FAA GPS)

7232     ???        Independent Design Verification    IDV            (출처: FAA GPS)

7233     ???        Independent Operational Assessment            IOA       (출처: FAA GPS)

7234     ???        Independent Verification and Validation            IV&V     (출처: FAA GPS)

7235     ???        Independent/Integration Operational Test and Evaluation    IOT&E   (출처: FAA GPS)

7236     ???        Indian Ocean Region       IOR       (출처: FAA GPS)

7237     ???        Inertial Measurement Unit            IMU            (출처: FAA GPS)

7238     ???        Inertial Navigation Unit    INU       (출처: FAA GPS)

7239     ???        Inertial Reference System IRS        (출처: FAA GPS)

7240     ???        Informal Pacific ATC Coordination Group            IPACG    (출처: FAA GPS)

7241     ???        Informal South Pacific ATC Coordination Group   ISPACG  (출처: FAA GPS)

7242     ???        Information Resources Management Plan            IRMP     (출처: FAA GPS)

7243     ???        Information Resources Protection  IRP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7244     ???        Information System Security         ISS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7245     ???        Information System Security Cerifier            ISSC      (출처: FAA GPS)

7246     ???        Information System Security Manager            ISSM     (출처: FAA GPS)

7247     ???        Information System Security Plan  ISSP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7248     ???        Information Technology   IT          (출처: FAA GPS)

7249     ???        Initial Approach Point/Instrument Approach Procedures      IAP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7250     ???        Initial Domain Identifier   IDI        (출처: FAA GPS)

7251     ???        Initial Ground Earth Station          IGES            (출처: FAA GPS)

7252     ???        Initial Missed Approach Segment  IMAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7253     ???        Initial Operating Capability           ICO            (출처: FAA GPS)

7254     ???        Initial Operational Capability         IOC            (출처: FAA GPS)

7255     ???        Initial Sector Suite System            ISSS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7256     ???        Initial Signal Unit            ISU       (출처: FAA GPS)

7257     ???        Initial System Capability   ISC        (출처: FAA GPS)

7258     ???        Initial Wide Area Augmentation System            IWAAS   (출처: FAA GPS)

7259     ???        INMARSAT-3      I-3        (출처: FAA GPS)

7260     ???        Input/Output      I/O        (출처: FAA GPS)

7261     ???        In-Service Management   ISM       (출처: FAA GPS)

7262     ???        In-Service Review            ISR        (출처: FAA GPS)

7263     ???        Institute of Electrical Engineers     IEEE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7264     ???        Institute of Navigation     ION      (출처: FAA GPS)

7265     ???        Instrument Approach Procedures Automation        IAPA      (출처: FAA GPS)

7266     ???        Integrated Beacon Landing System            IBLS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7267     ???        Integrated Capability Maturity Model            ICMM, iCMM      (출처: FAA GPS)

7268     ???        Integrated Contractor Maintenance and Logistics Support            ICMLS   (출처: FAA GPS)

7269     ???        Integrated Logistics Support         ILS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7270     ???        Integrated Logistics Support Management Team     ILSMT    (출처: FAA GPS)

7271     ???        Integrated Logistics Support Plan  ILSP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7272     ???        Integrated Management Team      IMT            (출처: FAA GPS)

7273     ???        Integrated Product Development System            IPDS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7274     ???        Integrated Product Leadership Team            IPLT       (출처: FAA GPS)

7275     ???        Integrated Product Team  IPT        (출처: FAA GPS)

7276     ???        Integrated Program Plan  IPP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7277     ???        Integrated Requirement Team       IRT            (출처: FAA GPS)

7278     ???        Integrated Satellite Signal Generator            ISSG      (출처: FAA GPS)

7279     ???        Integrated Services Data Network  ISDN            (출처: FAA GPS)

7280     ???        Integrated Support and Acquisition Plan            ISAP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7281     ???        Integrated Support Plan   ISP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7282     ???        Integrated System Safety Program Plan            ISSPP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7283     ???        Integrated Terminal Weather System            ITWS     (출처: FAA GPS)

7284     ???        Integration Build Plan      IBP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7285     ???        Integration Test and Evaluation     IT&E            (출처: FAA GPS)

7286     ???        Integrity Data Monitoring IDM      (출처: FAA GPS)

7287     ???        Interagency GPS Executive Board  IGEB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7288     ???        Intercard            ICAO     (출처: FAA GPS)

7289     ???        Interface Control Document         ICD            (출처: FAA GPS)

7290     ???        Interface Control Document/International Code Designator ICD       (출처: FAA GPS)

7291     ???        Interface Control Working Group  ICWG            (출처: FAA GPS)

7292     ???        Interface Design Document          IDD            (출처: FAA GPS)

7293     ???        Interface Management     IFM       (출처: FAA GPS)

7294     ???        Interface Requirements Documents            IRD       (출처: FAA GPS)

7295     ???        Interface Requirements Specification            IRS        (출처: FAA GPS)

7296     ???        Interference-to-Signal ratio          I/S            (출처: FAA GPS)

7297     ???        Interim Contractor Depot and Logistics Support ICDLS    (출처: FAA GPS)

7298     ???        Interim Contractor Maintenance and Logistics Support            ICMLS   (출처: FAA GPS)

7299     ???        Interim Contractor Support          ICS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7300     ???        Interim Electronic Technical Manuel            IETM     (출처: FAA GPS)

7301     ???        Interim Monitor and Control Software            IMCS     (출처: FAA GPS)

7302     ???        interline baggage tag                  타사가 탑승여객의 위탁수하물에 부착하는 하물표.

7303     ???        interline transfer             다른 항공사의 은힝편으로 이어지는 여객, 수하물, 화물, 우편물의 환승, off-line.

7304     ???        Intermediate Circular Orbit           ICO            (출처: FAA GPS)

7305     ???        Intermediate Frequency    I/F        (출처: FAA GPS)

7306     ???        Intermediate System-Intermediate System Protocol IS-IS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7307     ???        Intermediate-System        IS         (출처: FAA GPS)

7308     ???        Intermodulation  IM        (출처: FAA GPS)

7309     ???        Internal Design Review    IDR       (출처: FAA GPS)

7310     ???        International Aeronautics Communications Service Provider  IACSP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7311     ???        International Association of Geodesy            IAG       (출처: FAA GPS)

7312     ???        International Astronomical Union  IAU            (출처: FAA GPS)

7313     ???        International Atomic Time (Temps Atomique International)   TAI        (출처: FAA GPS)

7314     ???        International Bureau of Weights & Measures           BIPM     (출처: FAA GPS)

7315     ???        International Business Machines   IBM            (출처: FAA GPS)

7316     ???        International Earth Rotation Service            IERS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7317     ???        International Electrical and Electronic Engineers           IEEE      (출처: FAA GPS)

7318     ???        International Electro technical Commission            IEC        (출처: FAA GPS)

7319     ???        International Organization for Standardization   ISO       (출처: FAA GPS)

7320     ???        International Radio Consultative Committee         CCIR      (출처: FAA GPS)

7321     ???        International Radio Interferometric Surveying          IRIS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7322     ???        International Radio Science Union URSI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7323     ???        International Standards Organization            ISO       (출처: FAA GPS)

7324     ???        International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee   CCITT    (출처: FAA GPS)

7325     ???        Internet Control Management Protocol            ICMP     (출처: FAA GPS)

7326     ???        Internet Engineering Task Force    IETF            (출처: FAA GPS)

7327     ???        Internet Group Management Protocol            IGMP     (출처: FAA GPS)

7328     ???        Internet Protocol IP         (출처: FAA GPS)

7329     ???        Internet Service Provider  ISP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7330     ???        Internet Streams Protocol, Version 2            ST-2      (출처: FAA GPS)

7331     ???        Inter-Organizational Transfers       IOT            (출처: FAA GPS)

7332     ???        Interprocess Communication        IPC            (출처: FAA GPS)

7333     ???        Investment Analysis         IA         (출처: FAA GPS)

7334     ???        Investment Analysis Report          IAR            (출처: FAA GPS)

7335     ???        Iono Corrections Capability          ICC            (출처: FAA GPS)

7336     ???        Ionospheric Correction    IC         (출처: FAA GPS)

7337     ???        Ionospheric Correction Computation            ICC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7338     ???        Ionospheric Determination Processing Algorithm          IONO    (출처: FAA GPS)

7339     ???        Ionospheric Grid Point     IGP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7340     ???        Ionospheric Pierce Point   IPP        (출처: FAA GPS)

7341     ???        Ionospheric Vertical Delay            IVD            (출처: FAA GPS)

7342     ???        Ionospheric Vertical Error IVE        (출처: FAA GPS)

7343     ???        ISS Certification Agent     ISSCA    (출처: FAA GPS)

7344     ???        Issuance Of Data IOD       (출처: FAA GPS)

7345     ???        Issurance Of Data Clock   IODC     (출처: FAA GPS)

7346     ???        Issurance Of Data Ephermis         IODE            (출처: FAA GPS)

7347     ???        Issurance Of Data Ionosphere       IODI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7348     ???        Issurance Of Data PRN mask        IODP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7349     ???        IV&V WAAS simulator     iWAASs (출처: FAA GPS)

7350     ???        Jamming-to-Signal Power Ratio    J/S            (출처: FAA GPS)

7351     ???        Japan Civil Aviation Bureau          JCAB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7352     ???        Japanese Standard Time   JST        (출처: FAA GPS)

7353     ???        jet blast             제트엔진후류(thrust stream turbulence).

7354     ???        John F. Kennedy Airport, NY         JFK            (출처: FAA GPS)

7355     ???        Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory         JHU/APL            (출처: FAA GPS)

7356     ???        Joint Acceptance and Inspection   JAI            (출처: FAA GPS)

7357     ???        Joint Acceptance Testing  JAT        (출처: FAA GPS)

7358     ???        Joint Resource Council    JRC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7359     ???        Joint Surveillance System JSS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7360     ???        Joint Tactical Information Distribution System  JTIDS     (출처: FAA GPS)

7361     ???        Julian Date         JD         (출처: FAA GPS)

7362     ???        jumbo jet aircraft                        중량이 큰 젯트기중, 최대이륙 중량이 40만 파운드 이상의 항공기. 예로 B-747, 록히드 L-1011, C-5, 더글라스 DC-10, MD-11등을 들수 있다.

7363     ???        Juneau AFSS      JNU      (출처: FAA GPS)

7364     ???        Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition       JOTFOC (출처: FAA GPS)

7365     ???        Kansas City Area ARTCC (Olathe, KS)            ZKC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7366     ???        Kelvin    K          (출처: FAA GPS)

7367     ???        Key Decision Point          KDP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7368     ???        Kilobits per second         Kbps     (출처: FAA GPS)

7369     ???        Kilobyte KB        (출처: FAA GPS)

7370     ???        Kilohertz            kHz       (출처: FAA GPS)

7371     ???        kilometer           km        (출처: FAA GPS)

7372     ???        Kilovoltampere   KVA      (출처: FAA GPS)

7373     ???        Kinematic Carrier Phase   KCP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7374     ???        Kinematic Carrier Phase Tracking   KCPT            (출처: FAA GPS)

7375     ???        kit                    1) 비행복이나 그 밖에 비행에 필요한 장비를 넣는 통. 2) 퍼스트 에이드 키트(first aid kit)와 같이, 장비나 보급품 꾸러미 또는 모두개.

7376     ???        Klyston Power Amplifier   KPA       (출처: FAA GPS)

7377     ???        Knots    Kts        (출처: FAA GPS)

7378     ???        Kokusai Denshin Denwa   KDD      (출처: FAA GPS)

7379     ???        kosner meal       KAML    유태교를 위한 기내식.

7380     ???        Labor Distribution Reporting        LDR            (출처: FAA GPS)

7381     ???        LaGuardia, NY Airport     LGA      (출처: FAA GPS)

7382     ???        LAHSO  LAHSO  Land and Hold Short Operation”의 약어로 착륙과 교차활주로, 유도로 예정지역 또는 접근/출발 비행로에서의 잠시대기에 관한 운영을 포함한다.

7383     ???        LAHSO-DRY                   건조한 활주로 상에서의 착륙 및 정지선 대기운영.

7384     ???        LAHSO-WET                   젖은 활주로 상의 착륙 및 정지선 대기운영지역.

7385     ???        LAN Emulation   LANE    (출처: FAA GPS)

7386     ???        land and hold short operation      LAHSO            동시 이ㆍ착륙 및 착륙절차에 포함된 운영절차로서 착륙항공기 스스로가 교차 활주로/유도로나 지정된 근접대기지점에서 대기할 수 있거나 관제사로부터 지시받아 대기하는 운영절차. 조종사는 근접대기지시를 수용할 수  없을 때는 신속히 관제사에게 통보하여야 한다.

7387     ???        Large Size Display Subsystem       LDS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7388     ???        Last Significant Bit          LSB       (출처: FAA GPS)

7389     ???        Last-in; First Out Holding Buffer    STACK            (출처: FAA GPS)

7390     ???        late cancellation             여행일정의 변경으로 인하여 항공편의 출발일시에 임박하여 출발시간 몇시간이 내의 취소.

7391     ???        late show passenger                    탑승수속 마감후에 탑승하기 위해 나타나는 여객.

7392     ???        Lateral Guidance with Precision Vertical            LGPV     (출처: FAA GPS)

7393     ???        Lateral Navigation           LNAV    (출처: FAA GPS)

7394     ???        Latest Revised Estimate    LRE       (출처: FAA GPS)

7395     ???        L-band Subsystem          LBS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7396     ???        Leased Interfacility NAS Communication System  LINCS    (출처: FAA GPS)

7397     ???        Least Significant Bit         LSB       (출처: FAA GPS)

7398     ???        Least Squares Residual    LSR       (출처: FAA GPS)

7399     ???        Left Hand Circular           LHC      (출처: FAA GPS)

7400     ???        Level of Effort     LOE       (출처: FAA GPS)

7401     ???        Level Of Repair Analysis   LORA    (출처: FAA GPS)

7402     ???        Life Cycle Cost/Leased Common Carrier            LCC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7403     ???        Limited Operational Assessment   LOA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7404     ???        Line of Business  LOB      (출처: FAA GPS)

7405     ???        Linear Error Probable       LEP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7406     ???        Linear Power Amplifier     LPA       (출처: FAA GPS)

7407     ???        Link Access Procedure Balanced    LAPB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7408     ???        Local Communications Network    LCN            (출처: FAA GPS)

7409     ???        Local Differential GPS      LDGPS   (출처: FAA GPS)

7410     ???        Local Oscillator   LO        (출처: FAA GPS)

7411     ???        Local-area Integrity Broadcast       LIB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7412     ???        Localizer Directional Aid  LDA      (출처: FAA GPS)

7413     ???        Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance           LPV       (출처: FAA GPS)

7414     ???        Location Identifier           LOC      (출처: FAA GPS)

7415     ???        Logical Channel Number  LCN      (출처: FAA GPS)

7416     ???        Logical Link Control        LLC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7417     ???        Logistics Funding Requirements Document            LFRD     (출처: FAA GPS)

7418     ???        Logistics Service ALG      (출처: FAA GPS)

7419     ???        Logistics Support Activity LOGSA  (출처: FAA GPS)

7420     ???        Logistics Support Analysis            LSA            (출처: FAA GPS)

7421     ???        Logistics Support Analysis Plan     LSAP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7422     ???        Logistics Support Analysis Record LSAR            (출처: FAA GPS)

7423     ???        Long Range Navigation System     LORAN            (출처: FAA GPS)

7424     ???        Long Range Navigation-C System LORAN-C          (출처: FAA GPS)

7425     ???        Long Range Resource Allocation Planning            LRRAP   (출처: FAA GPS)

7426     ???        Long Signal Unit LSU       (출처: FAA GPS)

7427     ???        Long Term Correction      LTC       (출처: FAA GPS)

7428     ???        Long-Term Correction Processing  LCP,LTCP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7429     ???        Los Angeles Area ARTCC (Palmdale, CA)            ZLA       (출처: FAA GPS)

7430     ???        Los Angeles, CA Airport   LAX       (출처: FAA GPS)

7431     ???        Loss of Function LOF       (출처: FAA GPS)

7432     ???        Loss of Integrity  LOI       (출처: FAA GPS)

7433     ???        Loss of Navigation          LON      (출처: FAA GPS)

7434     ???        Loss of Signal     LOS       (출처: FAA GPS)

7435     ???        Low Density Radio Communications Link            LDRCL   (출처: FAA GPS)

7436     ???        Low Dynamic     LD        (출처: FAA GPS)

7437     ???        Low Earth Orbiting          LEO       (출처: FAA GPS)

7438     ???        Low Ground Avionics System        LGAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7439     ???        Low Noise Amplifier        LNA      (출처: FAA GPS)

7440     ???        Low-Elevation Antenna Nuller       LEAN            (출처: FAA GPS)

7441     ???        Low-Level Wind shear Alert System            LLWAS   (출처: FAA GPS)

7442     ???        Low-noise block down-converter  LNB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7443     ???        Low-Range Radar           LRR       (출처: FAA GPS)

7444     ???        Low-Rate Initial Production          LRIP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7445     ???        LSA Control Number       LCN      (출처: FAA GPS)

7446     ???        mach technique              비행로를 따라서 연속적으로 운항하는 터보제트 항공기에게 항공로 비행 중 관련 구간에서 적절한 MACH Numbers를 유지하도록 항공교통관제기관이 사용하는 관제기법을 말한다. 근본적인 목적은 공역 사용률을 향상시키고, 연속해서 운항되는 항공기간의 분리가 최저치 이하로 되지 않기 위함이다.

7447     ???        Maintainability Demonstration      M-Demo    (출처: FAA GPS)

7448     ???        Maintainer/Manager        M/M     (출처: FAA GPS)

7449     ???        Maintenance Data Processing System            MDP     (출처: FAA GPS)

7450     ???        Maintenance Maximum Corrective Time            M max CT          (출처: FAA GPS)

7451     ???        Maintenance Mean Corrective Time            M mean CT        (출처: FAA GPS)

7452     ???        Maintenance Plan           MP       (출처: FAA GPS)

7453     ???        maintenance planning friction level                        측정, 구성, 공항표면 포장에 대한 미끄럼 저항에 관한 정비 등은 AC 150/5320-12 에 규정되어 있으며 여기에는 범주 또는 등급별로 항공기들이 수용할 수 있는 활주로 표면의 포장에 대한 마찰값이 표시되어 있다.

7454     ???        Maintenance Processor System     MPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

7455     ???        Maintenance-Of-Way       MOW    (출처: FAA GPS)

7456     ???        Major Acquisition Policy and Procedures            MAPP    (출처: FAA GPS)

7457     ???        Major Acquisition Policy Council   MAPC            (출처: FAA GPS)

7458     ???        Major Acquisition Review MAR     (출처: FAA GPS)

7459     ???        Major Procurement Program Goals            MPPGs  (출처: FAA GPS)

7460     ???        Major System Acquisition MSA     (출처: FAA GPS)

7461     ???        make short approach                  단거리 최종접근을 하기 위하여 조종사에게 비행장주를 변경하도록 통보하는데 사용된다.

7462     ???        Management Information Block    MIB            (출처: FAA GPS)

7463     ???        Management Operations  MOC     (출처: FAA GPS)

7464     ???        Management Unit           MU       (출처: FAA GPS)

7465     ???        manufacture empty weight                       가장 기본적인 항공기의 증량. , 항공사가 항공기를 운항하기 위하여 필요한 시설 및 장비 등을 추가로 장착하지 앉은 상태의 순수한 항공기 자체의 중량. cf.  BEW

7466     ???        Manufacturing Sequence Numbers            MSN     (출처: FAA GPS)

7467     ???        Master Ground Station    MGS     (출처: FAA GPS)

7468     ???        Master Integrated Program Schedule            MIPS     (출처: FAA GPS)

7469     ???        Master of Science, Electrical Engineering            MSEE    (출처: FAA GPS)

7470     ???        Master Schedule Baseline Report  MSBR            (출처: FAA GPS)

7471     ???        Master Schedule System  MSS      (출처: FAA GPS)

7472     ???        Master Test Plan MTP      (출처: FAA GPS)

7473     ???        Maximum Downtime       MaxDT   (출처: FAA GPS)

7474     ???        Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming and Interference       MIJI      (출처: FAA GPS)

7475     ???        Mean Down Time           MDT      (출처: FAA GPS)

7476     ???        Mean Mission Duration   MMD    (출처: FAA GPS)

7477     ???        Mean Opinion Score       MOS     (출처: FAA GPS)

7478     ???        Mean Sea Level (altitude above)    MSL            (출처: FAA GPS)

7479     ???        Mean Square Error          MSE      (출처: FAA GPS)

7480     ???        Mean Time Before Corrective Maintenance            MTBCM (출처: FAA GPS)

7481     ???        Mean Time Before Critical Failure  MTBCF            (출처: FAA GPS)

7482     ???        Mean Time Before Downing Events            MTBDE  (출처: FAA GPS)

7483     ???        Mean Time Before Preventive Maintenance            MTBPM (출처: FAA GPS)

7484     ???        Mean Time Between Failures        MTBF            (출처: FAA GPS)

7485     ???        Mean Time Between Hazards        MTBH            (출처: FAA GPS)

7486     ???        Mean Time Between Mission Critical Failures  CMTBF  (출처: FAA GPS)

7487     ???        Mean Time Between Outages       MTBO            (출처: FAA GPS)

7488     ???        Mean Time To Repair/Mean Time To Restore  MTTR    (출처: FAA GPS)

7489     ???        Mean Time To Restore Functions   MTTRF            (출처: FAA GPS)

7490     ???        Medium Dynamic           MD       (출처: FAA GPS)

7491     ???        Medium Intensity Airport Weather Service            MIAWS  (출처: FAA GPS)

7492     ???        Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Indicator Light          MALSR  (출처: FAA GPS)

7493     ???        Megabits per second       Mbps    (출처: FAA GPS)

7494     ???        Megabyte          MB       (출처: FAA GPS)

7495     ???        Megachips         Mchips  (출처: FAA GPS)

7496     ???        Mega-chips/second         Mcps     (출처: FAA GPS)

7497     ???        Megahertz         MHz     (출처: FAA GPS)

7498     ???        Memphis Area ARTCC (Memphis, TN)            ZME      (출처: FAA GPS)

7499     ???        Message Center Processor           MCP            (출처: FAA GPS)

7500     ???        Message Correction Control Part   MCCP            (출처: FAA GPS)

