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항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 8001-8500

by 아이러브비즈니스 2022. 3. 29.

항공용어사전 . aeronautical dictionary : 8001-8500
no        한글명   용어      약어      해설

8001     ???        Satellite Operational Implementation Team            SOIT      (출처: FAA GPS)

8002     ???        Satellite Operations Crew Commander            CMDR   (출처: FAA GPS)

8003     ???        Satellite Operations Officer          SOO            (출처: FAA GPS)

8004     ???        Satellite Orbit Determination        SOD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8005     ???        Satellite Procedures Implementation Team            SPIT      (출처: FAA GPS)

8006     ???        Satellite Program Office   SPO      (출처: FAA GPS)

8007     ???        Satellite Signal Generator SSG      (출처: FAA GPS)

8008     ???        Satellite Signal Simulator SSS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8009     ???        Satellite Sub-Network Layer          SSNL            (출처: FAA GPS)

8010     ???        Satellite Vehicle  SV        (출처: FAA GPS)

8011     ???        Satellite ZAP       SATZAP (출처: FAA GPS)

8012     ???        Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS)   SBAS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8013     ???        Satellite-Navigation Airport Facility Enhancement Team         SAFET    (출처: FAA GPS)

8014     ???        Schedule Message Processing       SMP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8015     ???        Schedule Performance Index        SPI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8016     ???        SCP Data Preprocessor    DPP      (출처: FAA GPS)

8017     ???        Screening Information Request     SIR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8018     ???        seaplane                        수상에서 운항하도록 설계된 항공기를 위하여 시각적 마커로 표시된 수면상의 지정된 부분.

8019     ???        Seattle Area ARTCC (Seattle, WA)   ZSE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8020     ???        Secondary Surveillance Radar/System Spec Review   SSR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8021     ???        Seconds SEC       (출처: FAA GPS)

8022     ???        Security Certification and Authorization Package SCAP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8023     ???        Security Control of Air Traffic and Navigation Aids  SCATANA           (출처: FAA GPS)

8024     ???        Security Equipment Integrated Product Team     SEIPT     (출처: FAA GPS)

8025     ???        segment            항공편의 운항기간 중에 승객여정이 되는 모든 구간.

8026     ???        Select and Monitor Input Data Source            SMI       (출처: FAA GPS)

8027     ???        selected ground delays                특정한 픽스 또는 지역상공의 교통흐름을 원활하게 조절하기 위하여 항공기에게 지상지연을 발부하는 교통운영절차.

8028     ???        Selective Availability        SA        (출처: FAA GPS)

8029     ???        Selective Availability Recovery       SAREC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8030     ???        Selective Calling  SELCAL  (출처: FAA GPS)

8031     ???        Semi-Automatic Flight Inspection  SAFI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8032     ???        Sensitive Application Certification SAC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8033     ???        Sensor Error       SE         (출처: FAA GPS)

8034     ???        SEOAT Analytical Team    SAT       (출처: FAA GPS)

8035     ???        Separation Standards Working Group            SSWG    (출처: FAA GPS)

8036     ???        Serial Number    S/N       (출처: FAA GPS)

8037     ???        Series MTBF       SMTBF   (출처: FAA GPS)

8038     ???        Service Issue of Date       IODS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8039     ???        Service Life Extension Program     SLEP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8040     ???        Service Monitoring System           SMS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8041     ???        Service Volume Model     SVM      (출처: FAA GPS)

8042     ???        Shakedown Test Plan       SHTP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8043     ???        short range clearance                  항공교통관제기관이 완전한 허가를 협의하는 동안 인근 특정 픽스로 IFR 비행하도록 출발 IFR 항공기에 발부되는 허가.

8044     ???        short shipped     SSPD     Cargo Manifest에 기재되어 있으나 출발지에서 실제로는 탑재하지 않은 화물이나 서류를 말한다.   (출처: 한국공항)

8045     ???        short simplified approach lighting system with flasher                    섬광등을 포함하는 고광도의 간이식 진입등 시설 <->ALS>

8046     ???        Signal Generator SG,SIGGEN         (출처: FAA GPS)

8047     ???        Signal Generator Subsystem         SGS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8048     ???        Signal Quality Monitor    SQM     (출처: FAA GPS)

8049     ???        Signaling Process (Telephony Signaling Process) SIG       (출처: FAA GPS)

8050     ???        Signal-In-Space  SIS        (출처: FAA GPS)

8051     ???        Signal-to-Noise Ratio      SNR      (출처: FAA GPS)

8052     ???        Simple Network Management Protocol            SNMP   (출처: FAA GPS)

8053     ???        Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment   SSALR   (출처: FAA GPS)

8054     ???        singapore aviation academy                     싱가폴 민항국(CAAS) 산하의 민항공 교육훈련기관.

8055     ???        Singapore Telecom          ST         (출처: FAA GPS)

8056     ???        Single Board Computer    SBC       (출처: FAA GPS)

8057     ???        Single Channel Per Carrier           SCPC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8058     ???        Single Degree Of Freedom           SDOF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8059     ???        Site Acceptance Test Plan SATP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8060     ???        Site Acceptance Testing   SAT       (출처: FAA GPS)

8061     ???        Site Evaluation Survey Report       SESR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8062     ???        Site Preparation Installation Report            SPIR      (출처: FAA GPS)

8063     ???        Site Program Bulletin       SPB       (출처: FAA GPS)

8064     ???        Site Technical Board/Satellite Test Bed            STB       (출처: FAA GPS)

8065     ???        Small Business    SB        (출처: FAA GPS)

8066     ???        Small Computer Systems Interface SCSI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8067     ???        Small Disadvantaged Business      SDB            (출처: FAA GPS)

8068     ???        Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Business SEDB     (출처: FAA GPS)

8069     ???        Software            SW       (출처: FAA GPS)

8070     ???        Software Acquisition Management Plan            SAMP    (출처: FAA GPS)

8071     ???        Software Capabilities Evaluation    SCE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8072     ???        Software Change Control Board    SCCB            (출처: FAA GPS)

8073     ???        Software Compatibility Evaluation  SCE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8074     ???        Software Configuration Management            SCM      (출처: FAA GPS)

8075     ???        Software Design Document          SDD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8076     ???        Software Development Facility      SDF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8077     ???        Software Development Library      SDL            (출처: FAA GPS)

8078     ???        Software Development Plan          SDP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8079     ???        Software Engineer Manager         SEM            (출처: FAA GPS)

8080     ???        Software Engineering Notebook    SEN            (출처: FAA GPS)

8081     ???        Software Lines of Code    SLOC     (출처: FAA GPS)

8082     ???        Software Management Indicators Report            SMIR     (출처: FAA GPS)

8083     ???        Software Problem Report SPR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8084     ???        Software Process Improvement Team            SPIT      (출처: FAA GPS)

8085     ???        Software Product Specification      SPD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8086     ???        Software Quality Assurance          SQA            (출처: FAA GPS)

8087     ???        Software Requirements Review     SRR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8088     ???        Software Requirements Specification            SRS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8089     ???        Software Specification Review       SSR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8090     ???        Software Support Center  SSC       (출처: FAA GPS)

8091     ???        Software Test Description STD       (출처: FAA GPS)

8092     ???        Software Test Plan           STP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8093     ???        Software Test Report       STR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8094     ???        Software Top level Design Document            STLDD   (출처: FAA GPS)

8095     ???        Software Trouble Report  STR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8096     ???        Software Working Group/Satellite Working Group   SWG     (출처: FAA GPS)

8097     ???        Software’s Users Manual  SUM     (출처: FAA GPS)

8098     ???        Solar-Magnetic   SM       (출처: FAA GPS)

8099     ???        Solid Earth Tides SOT      (출처: FAA GPS)

8100     ???        Source Evaluation Board  SEB       (출처: FAA GPS)

8101     ???        Source Line Of code        SLOC     (출처: FAA GPS)

8102     ???        Source Selection Officer   SSO      (출처: FAA GPS)

8103     ???        Source Selection Plan      SSP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8104     ???        Southern Regional Headquarters   ASO            (출처: FAA GPS)

8105     ???        Southwest Regional Headquarters ASW            (출처: FAA GPS)

8106     ???        Soviet Geocentric System 1985     SGS85            (출처: FAA GPS)

8107     ???        Soviet Union/Signal Unit  SU        (출처: FAA GPS)

8108     ???        Space Environment Laboratory     SEL            (출처: FAA GPS)

8109     ???        Space Ground Link, S-band          SGLS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8110     ???        Space Mode       SM       (출처: FAA GPS)

8111     ???        Space Segment/Structure Subsystem            SS         (출처: FAA GPS)

8112     ???        Space Vehicle     SV        (출처: FAA GPS)

8113     ???        Special Category 1          SCAT-1  (출처: FAA GPS)

8114     ???        Special Committee          SC        (출처: FAA GPS)

8115     ???        Specific use of systems that address particular user requirements.  For the case of GNSS, applications are defined in terms of specific operational scenarios.          Applications       (출처: FAA GPS)

8116     ???        Specification      SPEC     (출처: FAA GPS)

8117     ???        Specification Change Notice         SCN            (출처: FAA GPS)

8118     ???        Specification Change Request       SCR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8119     ???        Specification Issue Identification and Resolution         SIIR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8120     ???        Specification Review Board           SRB            (출처: FAA GPS)

8121     ???        Spherical Error Probable  SEP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8122     ???        split flap                        날개 아랫면에 장치한 플랩의 일종. 주로 항력을 증가시키기 위하여 아래쪽으로 작동됨.

8123     ???        squall                풍속이 돌연 8m/s(15kt) 이상으로 증대되고 11m/s(20kt) 이상이 되어 적어도 1분간 계속되는 바람의 반복을 말한다.

8124     ???        squall line                      전선을 갖지 않는 활발한 뇌우의 좁은 구역을 말한다. 난기류의 收束으로 적난운이 발달한 것으로 기압谷, 쉬아라인, 편동풍 파동 등이 일어난다.

8125     ???        SSR Improvements and Collision Avoidance System           SICAS    (출처: FAA GPS)

8126     ???        SSR Improvements and Collision Avoidance System Panel   SICASP  (출처: FAA GPS)

8127     ???        Standard            STD       (출처: FAA GPS)

8128     ???        Standard Aerospace Equipment    SAE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8129     ???        Standard Deviation          SD        (출처: FAA GPS)

8130     ???        Standard Industrial Classification   SIC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8131     ???        Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation       SPEC     (출처: FAA GPS)

8132     ???        Standard Positioning Service        SPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8133     ???        Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System        STARS   (출처: FAA GPS)

8134     ???        Standards and Recommended Practices            SBAS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8135     ???        Stand-by Burst Allocation SBA      (출처: FAA GPS)

8136     ???        Stanford Telecom            Stel       (출처: FAA GPS)

8137     ???        Start of a Aircraft Receive Reporting Frame            ASORRF (출처: FAA GPS)

8138     ???        Start of a Aircraft Receive Terminal Control Frame    ASORTCF           (출처: FAA GPS)

8139     ???        Start Of Aircraft Transmit Reporting Frame            SOATRF (출처: FAA GPS)

8140     ???        Start Of Aircraft Transmit Terminal Control Frame    SOATTFC           (출처: FAA GPS)

8141     ???        Start Of Inbound Transmit Data Frame            SOITDF  (출처: FAA GPS)

8142     ???        Start Of Inbound Transmit Master Frame            SOITMF (출처: FAA GPS)

8143     ???        Start Of Receive Data Frame         SORDF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8144     ???        Start Of Receive Master Frame      SORMF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8145     ???        Start Of Receive Super Frame       SORSF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8146     ???        Starting Frame Number   SFN      (출처: FAA GPS)

8147     ???        State Of Health   SOH      (출처: FAA GPS)

8148     ???        Statement Of Work         SOW     (출처: FAA GPS)

8149     ???        step taxi            수상비행기가 고출력 또는 높은 엔진회전수로 활주하는 것.

8150     ???        step turn                       이륙하기 위하여 사용 중인 수상활주로로 진입하기 전에 수상비행기를 평행자세가 되도록 하는 비행조작. STEP TURN 조작은 조종사의 요구에 의하여 사용된다.

8151     ???        stereo route                   사용자 및 ACC의 식별된 코드명칭으로 설정된 통상적인 비행항공로. 예를 들면 ALPHA 2, 이 항공로는 비행계획처리 및 통신을 최소화한다.

8152     ???        stop altitude squawk                   항공기 트랜스폰더의 자동고도보고기능 중지를 항공기에게 통보할 때 ATC가 사용하는 용어. 구두 보고 고도가 자동고도보고와 300피트 이상 차이가 있을 때 발부된다.

8153     ???        Sub Network      SN        (출처: FAA GPS)

8154     ???        Subcontract Data Requirements List            SDRL     (출처: FAA GPS)

8155     ???        subject to load   SUBLO   사전 예약이 인정되지 않고 여분의 좌석이 있을 경우, 탑승할 수 있는 제도.

8156     ???        Super Frame      SF         (출처: FAA GPS)

8157     ???        Superior Contribution Increase     SCI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8158     ???        Superior Video Graphics Adapter  SVGA            (출처: FAA GPS)

8159     ???        Supplemental Type Certificate       STC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8160     ???        Surface Acoustic Wave    SAW     (출처: FAA GPS)

8161     ???        Surface Movement and Guidance Plan            SMGCP  (출처: FAA GPS)

8162     ???        swing nose                    화물의 적하를 신속하게 할 수 있도록 기수를 접을수 있게 한 기체.

8163     ???        swing tail                       스윙노스에 대해서 미부를 측방으로 접을 수 있도록 한 기체. 목적은 스윙노스와 같다.

8164     ???        Switching Processing Interface Telephony Event     SPITE     (출처: FAA GPS)

8165     ???        Symbols per second        sps       (출처: FAA GPS)

8166     ???        Synchronous Data Link Control     SDLC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8167     ???        System Allocation Document        SAD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8168     ???        System Availability Model SAM     (출처: FAA GPS)

8169     ???        System Continuity of Fault Detection Model   SCFDM  (출처: FAA GPS)

8170     ???        System Continuity of Function Model            SCFM    (출처: FAA GPS)

8171     ???        System Continuity of Navigation Model            SCNM   (출처: FAA GPS)

8172     ???        System Definition Manual SDM     (출처: FAA GPS)

8173     ???        System Design Review     SDR      (출처: FAA GPS)

8174     ???        System Development Team           SDT            (출처: FAA GPS)

8175     ???        System Engineering         SE         (출처: FAA GPS)

8176     ???        System Engineering and Integraion            SEI        (출처: FAA GPS)

8177     ???        System Hazard Analysis   SHA      (출처: FAA GPS)

8178     ???        System Integration Test    SIT        (출처: FAA GPS)

8179     ???        System Integration Testing           SIT            (출처: FAA GPS)

8180     ???        System Level Specification            SLS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8181     ???        System Management and Communication            SMC      (출처: FAA GPS)

8182     ???        System Management Interface Tool            SMIT     (출처: FAA GPS)

8183     ???        System Management Office          SMO            (출처: FAA GPS)

8184     ???        System Operational Requirements Document          SORD    (출처: FAA GPS)

8185     ???        System Performance and Integrity SPI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8186     ???        System Performance Assessment   SPA            (출처: FAA GPS)

8187     ???        System Requirements Allocation Matrix.            SRAM    (출처: FAA GPS)

8188     ???        System Requirements Review        SRR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8189     ???        System Resource Monitor SRM      (출처: FAA GPS)

8190     ???        System Safety Program    SSP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8191     ???        System Safety Program Plan         SSPP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8192     ???        System Safety Program Progress Report            SSPPR   (출처: FAA GPS)

8193     ???        System Safety Working Group      SSWG            (출처: FAA GPS)

8194     ???        System Specification        SS         (출처: FAA GPS)

8195     ???        System Test Facility          STF       (출처: FAA GPS)

8196     ???        System/Segment Design Document            SSDD    (출처: FAA GPS)

8197     ???        Systems Engineering Management Plan            SEMP    (출처: FAA GPS)

8198     ???        Systems Engineering Working Group            SEWG    (출처: FAA GPS)

8199     ???        Systems Engineering/Operational Analysis Team     SEOAT   (출처: FAA GPS)

8200     ???        Systems Software Engineering Issues            SSEI      (출처: FAA GPS)

8201     ???        Table Of Contents           TOC      (출처: FAA GPS)

8202     ???        Tactical Air Navigation     TACAN  (출처: FAA GPS)

8203     ???        Target Level-of-Safety      TLS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8204     ???        target resolution             상호 관련 있는 레이더타깃이 닿지 않도록 하기 위한 처리 과정. 타깃 분석은 다음과 같이 적용한다.   1. 두 개의 1차 타깃의 가장자리 간 또는 ASR-9 1차 타깃심볼 가장자리 간   2. Beacon control slash 1차 타깃의 가장자리 간   3. Beacon control slash의 가장자리 간.  이 절차가 사용되었을 때 의무적인 교통정보조언과 안전경보가 발부된다.

8205     ???        taxi patterns                   다른 활주로 또는 사용 가능한 비행장 지역에 대한 바람직한 지상교통흐름에 대하여 설명하기 위하여 설정된 pattern.

8206     ???        TDMA Reservation Synchronizer (Block and Process)      TRS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8207     ???        Technical Assistance Contract       TAC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8208     ???        Technical Engineering and Program Support T/PS      (출처: FAA GPS)

8209     ???        Technical Evaluation Team TET       (출처: FAA GPS)

8210     ???        Technical Guidance Team TGT       (출처: FAA GPS)

8211     ???        Technical Information Book          TIB            (출처: FAA GPS)

8212     ???        Technical Instruction Book            TIB            (출처: FAA GPS)

8213     ???        Technical Interchange Meeting      TIM            (출처: FAA GPS)

8214     ???        Technical Management Committee            TMC      (출처: FAA GPS)

8215     ???        Technical Officer TO        (출처: FAA GPS)

8216     ???        Technical On-site Representative   TOR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8217     ???        Technical Performance Index        TPI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8218     ???        Technical Performance Measurement            TPM      (출처: FAA GPS)

8219     ???        Technical Performance Parameter  TPP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8220     ???        Technical Review Board    TRB       (출처: FAA GPS)

8221     ???        Technical Standard Order TSO      (출처: FAA GPS)

8222     ???        Telephone User Part of CCITT Signaling System #7          TUP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8223     ???        Terminal Control Circuit   TCC       (출처: FAA GPS)

8224     ???        Terminal Instrument Procedures Standards            TERPS    (출처: FAA GPS)

8225     ???        Terminal Navigation Instrument Flight Rules     TNIFR    (출처: FAA GPS)

8226     ???        terminal operations                     비행장 터미널에서 행하는 영접, 과정처리, 승객탑승, 화물의 수송, 화물의 하역, 적재, 화물 및 승객의 행선지로의 이송등에 관한 제반 업무.

8227     ???        Terminal Radar Digitize, Replacement & Establish            TRDRE   (출처: FAA GPS)

8228     ???        Terminal Voice Switch Replacement            TVSR     (출처: FAA GPS)

8229     ???        Terminal Weather Information for Pilots            TWIP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8230     ???        terrain following             산악 또는 가장 높은 장애물 상공으로부터 일정한 고도(AGL)를 유지하는 군용 항공기의 비행.  항공기의 고도는 다양한 산악과 장애물에 따라 변한다.

8231     ???        Terrestrial Communications          TC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8232     ???        Terrestrial Communications Network            TCN      (출처: FAA GPS)

8233     ???        Terrestrial Communications System            TCS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8234     ???        Terrestrial Dynamic time (Temps Dynamique Terrestre)       TDT       (출처: FAA GPS)

8235     ???        Terrestrial Network Design Document            TNDD    (출처: FAA GPS)

8236     ???        Test and Evaluation         T&E      (출처: FAA GPS)

8237     ???        Test and Evaluation Master Plan    TEMP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8238     ???        Test and Evaluation Working Group            TEWG    (출처: FAA GPS)

8239     ???        Test Integration Working Group    TIWG            (출처: FAA GPS)

8240     ???        Test Policy Review Committee       TPRC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8241     ???        Test Program Set TPS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8242     ???        Test Readiness Review      TRR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8243     ???        Test Requirements Document       TRD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8244     ???        Test Run Scenario           TR        (출처: FAA GPS)

8245     ???        Test Support Software     TSS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8246     ???        Test Support System        TSS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8247     ???        Test Tube Advisory Committee      TTAC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8248     ???        Test, Evaluation and Acceptance    TEA            (출처: FAA GPS)

8249     ???        tetrahedron                    일반적으로 비 관제비행장에 설치되어 착륙방향지시기로 사용되는 장비. 사면체의 작은 끝은 착륙방향을 지시한다. 관제비행장에 사면체가 설치되어 있는 경우, 관제탑지시가 사면체 지시기를 대신하므로 무시된다.

8250     ???        That is correct                당신의 이해가 옳다는 용어.

8251     ???        The availability of a navigation system is the ability of the system to provide the required function and performance at the initiation of the intended operation.  Availability is an indication of the ability of the system to provide usable service within        Availability         (출처: FAA GPS)

8252     ???        The distance along the desired track from the waypoint to the perpendicular line from the desired track to the aircraft.        Along - Track Distance     (출처: FAA GPS)

8253     ???        the United State of America transportation request  GTR      미국정부가 정부기관, 운항관계자의 공용여행을 위한 후불취급으로 교통기관에 발권을 의뢰하기 위한 요구서.

8254     ???        Thermal Control Subsystem          TCS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8255     ???        Threat Image Projection   TIP        (출처: FAA GPS)

8256     ???        Threshold Crossing Point TCP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8257     ???        throttle lever                  엔진 출력을 조정하는 레바. 통상 진행방향으로 밀면 출력이 증가한다.

8258     ???        throttle valve                  연료조정장치FCU에 있는 밸브로서 엔진 실린더 안으로 들어가는 연료의 흐름을 제어한다.

8259     ???        through route                출발지와 목적지까지의 전체노선의 합계.

8260     ???        tilt                    로칼라이사 코스폭 양단에서의 그라이드패스 각도를 말한다.

8261     ???        timatic               승객이 필요한 정보를 업데이트된 상황에서 신속히 제공할 목적으로 200여개국의 여권, 비자, 검역 등 해당국 출입국에 필요한 각종 여행정보를 수록한 책자(Tim : Travel Information Manual)을 전산화 한 것.

8262     ???        Time and Materials         T&M     (출처: FAA GPS)

8263     ???        Time Control Correction   Dn        (출처: FAA GPS)

8264     ???        Time Difference/technical Director TD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8265     ???        Time Dilution Of Precision           TDOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8266     ???        Time Distribution Subsystem        TDS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8267     ???        Time Division Multiple Access       TDMA            (출처: FAA GPS)

8268     ???        time group                    국제표준시간(UTC)을 시간과 분으로 나타내는 4자리 숫자. 모든 운항에 표준시간을 사용한다. “ZULU”는 국제표준시간(UTC)를 표기하기 위하여 사용 한다. 무선통신 또는 전화 통화 시 지역시간(Local Time)이 주어질 경우, 지역을 표시하기 위하여 “Local” 또는 동일 시간대라는 단어를 사용한다.

8269     ???        Time Of Applicability       TOA      (출처: FAA GPS)

8270     ???        Time Of Day; Top of Descent        TOD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8271     ???        Time Of Week    TOW     (출처: FAA GPS)

8272     ???        Time of Year       TOU      (출처: FAA GPS)

8273     ???        Time to Alarm Validation TAV       (출처: FAA GPS)

8274     ???        Time to Alert      TTA       (출처: FAA GPS)

8275     ???        Time To Subsequent Fix   TTSF      (출처: FAA GPS)

8276     ???        Time-Space Position Indicator       TSPI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8277     ???        Time-To-Alarm    TTA       (출처: FAA GPS)

8278     ???        To Be Determined           TBD      (출처: FAA GPS)

8279     ???        To Be Provided   TBP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8280     ???        To Be Resolved   TBR       (출처: FAA GPS)

8281     ???        To Be Supplied   TBS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8282     ???        To Complete Performance Index    TCPI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8283     ???        To-From TF         (출처: FAA GPS)

8284     ???        torching            연료와 공기의 혼합이 과도하게 공급됨으로서 왕복기관 항공기의 배기관 끝에서 연료가 착화되는 현상.

8285     ???        Total Electron Content     TEC       (출처: FAA GPS)

8286     ???        Total System Error           TSE       (출처: FAA GPS)

8287     ???        Tower Control Computer Complex TCCC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8288     ???        Tower Data-Link Service   TDLS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8289     ???        TPX-42              숫자로 된 비컨코드 해독 장비/시스템. 이 장비/시스템은 비컨코드 해독을 위하여 터미널 레이더시스템에 부가시킬 목적으로 고안된 것이다. 이 장비/시스템은 항공기의 신속한 식별, 1차 레이더자료의 보완기능 및 Mode C를 장착한 항공기의 고도정보를 제공한다.

8290     ???        Track Angle Error            TKE       (출처: FAA GPS)

8291     ???        Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System            TDRSS   (출처: FAA GPS)

8292     ???        Tracking, Telemetry and Control            TLT,TT&C           (출처: FAA GPS)

8293     ???        Traffic Air Alert Collision Avoidance System            TCAS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8294     ???        Traffic Information Service            TIS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8295     ???        traffic management unit              교통관리를 수행함에 있어서 직접적인 관련책임이 있는 항공교통센터와 지정된 해당 터미널시설.

8296     ???        traffic no factor              이전에 발부한 교통정보조언에 관한 항공기가 더 이상 영향을 주지 않음을 나타낸다.

8297     ???        traffic no longer observed                        이전에 발부한 교통정보조언 관련 항공기가 더 이상 레이더 스코프상에 전시되지 않으나 여전히 장애요소로 존재함을 의미.

8298     ???        transfer of radar identification                  레이다 식별을 이송하는 것으로 레이다 핸드업 및 레이다 포인트 아웃을 말한다.

8299     ???        Transformation from ECEF to Geocentric Inertial Coordinate System           TEI        (출처: FAA GPS)

8300     ???        Transistor Logic  TTL       (출처: FAA GPS)

8301     ???        Transistor Transistor Logic TTL       (출처: FAA GPS)

8302     ???        Translated and Rotated    T&R      (출처: FAA GPS)

8303     ???        Transmission Control Protocol      TCP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8304     ???        transmissometer             대기를 통하여 투과되는 불빛의 양을 측정하여 시정을 정하는 데 사용하는 장비로서 활주로 가시거리 및 활주로 시정치를 정하는데 기본적인 장치이다.

8305     ???        Transport Layer Interface  TLI        (출처: FAA GPS)

8306     ???        Transport Protocol Selector          TPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8307     ???        Transportation Acquisition Executive            TAE       (출처: FAA GPS)

8308     ???        Transportation Acquisition Manual TAM            (출처: FAA GPS)

8309     ???        Transportation System Acquisition Review Council  TSARC   (출처: FAA GPS)

8310     ???        Trivial File Transfer Protocol          TFTP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8311     ???        Troposphere Parameters   TRP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8312     ???        Tropospheric Correction   TC         (출처: FAA GPS)

8313     ???        turbulent separation                    경계층이 난류경계층으로 변한 뒤 박리하는 것을 말한다. 이 경우, 박리점은 천이점보다 하류에 있다. 난류경계층은 층내의 난류혼합 때문에 속도가 빠른 부분에서부터 물체표면 가까이의 속도가 느린 부분으로 에너지가 전하여지므로 층류경계층에 비해 박리가 일어나지 않는다.

8314     ???        Two Degrees Of Freedom TDOF    (출처: FAA GPS)

8315     ???        Type Certification            TC         (출처: FAA GPS)

8316     ???        Type Inspection Authorization       TIA            (출처: FAA GPS)

8317     ???        U.S. Navy           USN      (출처: FAA GPS)

8318     ???        Ultra High Frequency (470 - 890 MHz)            UHF      (출처: FAA GPS)

8319     ???        Underwriter’s Laboratories           UL            (출처: FAA GPS)

8320     ???        Uninterruptible Power Supply       UPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8321     ???        Unique Word     UW       (출처: FAA GPS)

8322     ???        Unit Under Test  UUT      (출처: FAA GPS)

8323     ???        United States      US        (출처: FAA GPS)

8324     ???        United States Air Force    USAF     (출처: FAA GPS)

8325     ???        United States Coast Guard           USCG            (출처: FAA GPS)

8326     ???        United States Code         U.S.C.    (출처: FAA GPS)

8327     ???        United States Geological Survey    USGS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8328     ???        United States Naval Observatory   USNO            (출처: FAA GPS)

8329     ???        Unshielded Twisted Pair   UTP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8330     ???        Up Link U/L       (출처: FAA GPS)

8331     ???        Upload Navigation Data Generator            UNDGEN           (출처: FAA GPS)

8332     ???        Upper Flight Information Region   UFIR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8333     ???        Upper, East, North          UEN      (출처: FAA GPS)

8334     ???        User Data          UD        (출처: FAA GPS)

8335     ???        User Data Process (Network Layer)            UP        (출처: FAA GPS)

8336     ???        User Datagram Protocol   UDP      (출처: FAA GPS)

8337     ???        User Diagram Protocol    UDP      (출처: FAA GPS)

8338     ???        User Differential Range Error        UDRE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8339     ???        User Differential Range Estimate   UDRE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8340     ???        User Differential Range Estimate Indicator            UDREI   (출처: FAA GPS)

8341     ???        User Equipment Test Facility         UETF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8342     ???        User Equivalent Range Error         UERE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8343     ???        User Horizontal Navigation Error  UHNE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8344     ???        User Ionoshperic Vertical Error      UIVE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8345     ???        User Position Computation           UPC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8346     ???        User Position Monitor      UPM     (출처: FAA GPS)

8347     ???        User Range Accuracy       URA      (출처: FAA GPS)

8348     ???        User Range Error URE      (출처: FAA GPS)

8349     ???        UT1 and Polar Motion     UPM     (출처: FAA GPS)

8350     ???        Value Engineering Change Proposal            VECP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8351     ???        VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator            VVASI    (출처: FAA GPS)

8352     ???        Vector-to-Final (Approach)            VTF            (출처: FAA GPS)

8353     ???        Vendor Item Drawing      VID       (출처: FAA GPS)

8354     ???        Verification and Validation            V&V            (출처: FAA GPS)

8355     ???        Verification Requirements Traceability Matrix   VRTM    (출처: FAA GPS)

8356     ???        Verify External GIVE         VEG      (출처: FAA GPS)

8357     ???        Verify Fast Corrections     VFC       (출처: FAA GPS)

8358     ???        Verify GEO Navigation Data          VGN            (출처: FAA GPS)

8359     ???        Verify Ionospheric Corrections      VIC            (출처: FAA GPS)

8360     ???        Verify Long-Term Corrections        VLT            (출처: FAA GPS)

8361     ???        Versa Module Euro Card  VME      (출처: FAA GPS)

8362     ???        Version Description Document      VDD            (출처: FAA GPS)

8363     ???        versus   VS        (출처: FAA GPS)

8364     ???        Vertical Alert Limit          VAL       (출처: FAA GPS)

8365     ???        Vertical Dilution Of Precision        VDOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8366     ???        Vertical Error      VE        (출처: FAA GPS)

8367     ???        Vertical Flight Working Group       VFWG            (출처: FAA GPS)

8368     ???        Vertical host Processor    VHP      (출처: FAA GPS)

8369     ???        Vertical Position Error      VPE       (출처: FAA GPS)

8370     ???        Vertical Position Error Threshold   VPET            (출처: FAA GPS)

8371     ???        Vertical Protection Level   VPL       (출처: FAA GPS)

8372     ???        Vertical Uncertainty Level VUL      (출처: FAA GPS)

8373     ???        Very High Frequency (54 to 216 MHz)            VHF      (출처: FAA GPS)

8374     ???        Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Ranging VOR      (출처: FAA GPS)

8375     ???        Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLBI            (출처: FAA GPS)

8376     ???        VFR not recommended                시계비행이 적합하지 않을 때 비행정보소에 의하여서 비행 전 또는 비행 중에 있는 조종사에게 기상브리핑을 제공하는 조언. 현재 또는 예보 기상치가 시계비행 최저치 이하가 될 때 제공한다. 이러한 조언은 조종사 스스로의 결정권한을 배제하는 것은 아니다.

8377     ???        VHF Data Link    VDL      (출처: FAA GPS)

8378     ???        VHF Extended Range Network      VERN            (출처: FAA GPS)

8379     ???        VHF Omni Range/Tactical Air Navigation            VORTAC (출처: FAA GPS)

8380     ???        Video Graphics Adapter   VGA      (출처: FAA GPS)

8381     ???        Virtual Private Network    VPN      (출처: FAA GPS)

8382     ???        Virtual Real Time Executive          VRTX            (출처: FAA GPS)

8383     ???        Visible   VIS        (출처: FAA GPS)

8384     ???        Voice Recorder Replacement Program            VRRP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8385     ???        Voice Switch By-Pas        VSBP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8386     ???        Voltage Controlled Oscillator        VCO            (출처: FAA GPS)

8387     ???        Voltage Standing Wave Radio       VSWR            (출처: FAA GPS)

8388     ???        Volts Direct Current         VDC      (출처: FAA GPS)

8389     ???        WAAS Change Request Process    WCRP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8390     ???        WAAS Configuration Review Board            WCRB   (출처: FAA GPS)

8391     ???        WAAS External Interface  WEI       (출처: FAA GPS)

8392     ???        WAAS Integrity Performance Panel            WIPP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8393     ???        WAAS Interface  WIF       (출처: FAA GPS)

8394     ???        WAAS Ionospheric SW     WIS       (출처: FAA GPS)

8395     ???        WAAS Message Processor            WMP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8396     ???        WAAS Network Time       WNT     (출처: FAA GPS)

8397     ???        WAAS Network Time Tag WNTT   (출처: FAA GPS)

8398     ???        WAAS Obsolescence and Refresh Methodology      WORM  (출처: FAA GPS)

8399     ???        WAAS Reference Element WRE      (출처: FAA GPS)

8400     ???        WAAS Signal Generator   WSG     (출처: FAA GPS)

8401     ???        WAAS Training and Maintenance Systems            WTMS   (출처: FAA GPS)

8402     ???        WAAS User Position Solution        WUPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8403     ???        waggle              1) 비행 중 항공기의 날개를 상하로 움직이는 것. 2) 신호를 보내기 위한 세로축에 대한 항공기의 짧은 진동.

8404     ???        Washington       WA       (출처: FAA GPS)

8405     ???        Washington Area ARTTC (Leesburg, VA)            ZDC      (출처: FAA GPS)

8406     ???        Watts    W         (출처: FAA GPS)

8407     ???        Wave Division Multiplex   WDM    (출처: FAA GPS)

8408     ???        Weather and Radar Processor       WARP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8409     ???        Weather Data Collector    WD       (출처: FAA GPS)

8410     ???        Weather Forecast Office   WFO     (출처: FAA GPS)

8411     ???        Weather Systems Processor          WSP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8412     ???        Week Number    WN       (출처: FAA GPS)

8413     ???        Weighted Dilution Of Precision     WDOP            (출처: FAA GPS)

8414     ???        Western Pacific Regional Headquarters            AWP     (출처: FAA GPS)

8415     ???        Wide Area Reference Equipment   WRE            (출처: FAA GPS)

8416     ???        Wide Area Reference Station        WRS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8417     ???        Wide area System Monitor           WSM            (출처: FAA GPS)

8418     ???        wide body                     객실이 넓은 동체.

8419     ???        Wide-Area Augmentation System  WAAS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8420     ???        Wide-area Differential Global Positioning System  WDGPS (출처: FAA GPS)

8421     ???        Wide-area Integrity Broadcast       WIB            (출처: FAA GPS)

8422     ???        Wide-area Integrity Monitor         WIM            (출처: FAA GPS)

8423     ???        Wide-Area Master Station WMS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8424     ???        Wide-area Master Station HWCI    WMS_H            (출처: FAA GPS)

8425     ???        Wide-Area Reference Station HWCI            WRS_H  (출처: FAA GPS)

8426     ???        William J. Hughes Technical Center            WJHTC  (출처: FAA GPS)

8427     ???        Wilmington, NC TRACON ILM-TRACON            (출처: FAA GPS)

8428     ???        With Respect To  WRT      (출처: FAA GPS)

8429     ???        WNT Linear Fit   WLF      (출처: FAA GPS)

8430     ???        WNT to GPS Offsets        WGO     (출처: FAA GPS)

8431     ???        Women Owned Business  WOB     (출처: FAA GPS)

8432     ???        Work Authorization and Delegation            WAD     (출처: FAA GPS)

8433     ???        Work Breakdown Structure           WBS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8434     ???        Work In Progress            WIP       (출처: FAA GPS)

8435     ???        Work Package Planning Sheets     WPPS            (출처: FAA GPS)

8436     ???        Workstation       W/S      (출처: FAA GPS)

8437     ???        World Deodedic System-1984 Coordinate System  WGS-84 (출처: FAA GPS)

8438     ???        World Geodedic Survey   WGS     (출처: FAA GPS)

8439     ???        World Geodedic Survey 1972       WGS-72            (출처: FAA GPS)

8440     ???        World Meteorological Organization            WMO    (출처: FAA GPS)

8441     ???        WRE LRU Simulator         RL         (출처: FAA GPS)

8442     ???        WRS Network Simulator  RS        (출처: FAA GPS)


