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제 4 장 영문보험서류의 작성

by 아이러브비즈니스 2018. 8. 4.

4 장 영문보험서류의 작성



1 절 해상보험의 개요


1. 해상보험의 정의


해상보험이란 해상위험, 즉 항해에 관한 사고로 인하여 발생한 손해를 보상해 주는 계약이다. 해상위험이란 선박의 항해와 관련하여 발생할 수 있는 제반 위험을 말하며, 이에는 좌초, 침몰, 폭풍우, 화재 등의 자연적인 위험과 해적, 강도, 투하, 선원의 악행, 전쟁 등의 인위적인 위험도 있다.

2. 해상보험의 기본요소


(1) 계약당사자

(2) 피보험이익

(3) 보험금액

(4) 보험료

(5) 보험금

(6) 보험약관

(7) 보험증권


3. 해상손해의 유형


(1) 물적손해

1) 전손 현실전손 추정전손

2) 분손 단독해손 공동해손



1) 구조료

2) 손해방지비용

3) 특별비용





2 절 보험금 청구에 대한 예문


1. 선박회사에 클레임 청구

Dear Sir,

Re : Your B/L No. BUSP-1010

In reference to the above, we regret to inform you that the shipment arrived at Hong

Kong on 15 August, 2000 in a damaged condition.


The result of the joint survey completed by the marine surveyor, Messrs. Cornes & Co.,

Ltd., shows 10,000 feet of the steel pipe to be rusted. We enclose herewith 4 debit notes

for a total of USD 87,000 and shall be much obliged if you send us your cheque for the

said amount in settlement of our claim at your earliest convenience.


Necessary document copies of invoice and Bill of Lading are enclosed.

We will appreciate your kind attention to this matter soon.


Faithfully yours,


(해설) 화물을 인도할시 일단 사고가 났으면 보험회사에 보험금을 청구하기에 앞서 즉시 선박

회사나 창고업자, 하역업자 등의 사고관련자에게 사고통보를 하고 보상청구를 하여야 한다.

선박회사에 보험청구액은 Invoice가인 USD 87.000이되고, 보험회사에 청구시에는 Invoice

가의 110% USD 98,700이 된다.















2. 보험회사에 클레임 청구


Dear Sir,


We wish to inform you that we have submitted our claim to the carriers, Dodwell & Co.,

LTD., in accordance with the policy instruction. However, our request for the compensation

of rust on our cargo has been rejected as per enclosed photostat copy.


Under these circumstances, we have to transfer the matter to your attention and shall

be much obliged if you could kindly arrange a cheque for the sum of US$95,70-to

our settlement of our 4 debit notes at your earliest convenience.


Meantime, the following supporting documents for the said case are enclosed :

(1) Marine Insurance Policy

(2) Shipping Invoice with weight notes

(3) Bill of Lading

(4) Survey Report

(5) Correspondence exchanged with carriers

(6) Debit Notes


Thanking you for your kind attention, we are,


Yours faithfully,


(해설) 선박회사의 책임거절서신을 동봉하여 보험자에게 클레임을 청구한다. 이때 사고를 증명할

수 있는 각종 증빙서류를 첨부하여야 한다.











3. 보험회사에 독촉


Dear Sir,


Please refer to our letter of september 4, 2000 in which we have enclosed the relevant

documents in connection with the captioned claim.

We are still awaiting your early settlement of loss on rust damage in the sum of

US$95,700 but your early settlement of loss on rust damage in the sum of WS$95,700 but

have not received reply yet.

Considering our heavy loss, we kindly request you to pay attention to these matter and

send us a check for the claimed amount soon.

Your kind attention would be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


(해설) 클레임 제출에 보험회사로부터 연락이 없으면 이를 독촉하여 빠른 시일내에 해결해 주도록

독촉하여야 한다.


4. 보험회사의 거절서신


Dear Sir,


We thank you for your letters of 4th September and 10th October, 2000, enclosign the

relevant documints in support of the captioned claims.


After going through the submitted documents, we observe that your claim for sea water

damage under policy No. HD 100100 is not recoverable because of restricted F.P.A terms

plus T.P.N.D. Since the alleged damage was the result of the insured perils, we much

regret that we have no altenative but to decline your claim. The relevant claim papers are

returned herewith for you kind disposal.


Your understanding would be highly appreciated.


Faithfully yours,


(해설) 제출된 서류를 검토 결과 “F.P.A plus T.P.N.D." 조건하에서 Rust는 보상되지 않는다는

보험자의 지급거절회신이다.


5. 보험금의 지급


Dear Sir,


Re : Your Rusted Steel Pipe Claim


With regard to the above, we are pleased to accept your proposed claim amount and

gave pleasure enclosing you a check for USD95,,700. in settlement of your claim.


We shall be glad to have your receipt due course.


Yours faithfully,


(해설) 위 상황에서 F.P.A.R.O.D.(부식, 산화, 변색조건)을 부보했을 경우 보험회사는 이에 대한 손해전보금의 지급을 하여야 한다.


